Basic Tips and Tricks for the New User Mike Basil
Keyboard Shortcuts Hot keys to jump, toggle modes, pull on dropdowns and move through screens Highlighting fields to overwrite, copying and pasting from one field to the next. Adding and deleting lines using the keyboard.
Deleting and Purging Records Two-step method: 1.Delete items to clean up dropdown lists. 2.Purge to clean out of database entirely. One-step method: 1.Purge directly without deleting. Good for cleaning converted data. Undeleting records once they have been deleted. Viewing deleted records.
Pre-Post Copies How to perform a pre-post copy. How to restore a pre-post copy. When should you do a pre-post copy? What happens when you do a pre- post copy?
Saving Criteria How to save before running reports How to save when designing reports How to clear defaults Defaults per user ID
Using Help Current Item help General system help Search function help
Using Query Mode and Find Function Query Mode functionality Find Mode functionality
Miscellaneous Main menu icon review Setting up User Defined Fields (UDFs) Printing labels
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