UNIVERSITY OF OULU Creating innovation for the future
UNIVERSITY OF OULU Founded in faculties students employees Total funding 218 M€
MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Humanities Education Science Medicine Dentistry Health Sciences Economics and Business Administration Technology Research in 70 fields of science Four research focus areas and four development areas
STRATEGY Values Communality, pioneering, partnership Mission The University promotes internationally high-level free research, education and culture, strengthens the knowhow that creates well-being, and assures the availability of highly qualified work force and researcher base in our sphere of influence. Vision The University of Oulu is an attractive science university with results, and holds a leading position in innovation activities.
PROFIILI (TÄMÄNHETKISET TYÖNIMET) PERUSTUU TUTKIMUSRYHMIEN STRATEGIAKYSELYYN 1.Advanced materials and sustainable process chains (Kehittyneet materiaalit ja kestävät tuotantoketjut) 2.Lifelong health – molecular and environmental basis (Elinikäinen terveys – solutasoisten mekanismien ja elintapojen vaikutukset) 3.Sensors, wireless communication and services (Sensorit, langaton viestintä ja niihin perustuvat palvelut) 4.Environmental effects in relation to earth and near space (maan ja lähiavaruuden ilmiöt, ympäristömuutos) 5.Effects of demographical change - environmental humanities, and human geography (Kulttuurit muuttuvassa maailmassa)
Advanced materials and sustainable process chains Life-long health – molecular and environmental basis Environmental effects in relation to earth and near space Effects of demographic change - environmental humanities, and human geography Sensors, wireless communication and services YLIOPISTON TUTKIMUSALUEET Research portfolio Faculties Research groups