Olumide Akinsola UNEP/GEF Volta River Basin Project Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area
Project title: Addressing Transboundary Concerns in the Volta River Basin and its Downstream Coastal Area Regional initiative of the Volta River Basin within the six riparian countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali and Togo. Introduction
Three Specific Objectives: – Specific Objective n° 1: Build capacity, improve knowledge and enhance stakeholders’ involvement to support the effective management of the VRB – Specific Objective n° 2: Develop river basin legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks and management instruments for addressing transboundary concerns in the Volta River Basin and its downstream coastal area – Specific Objective n° 3: Demonstrate national and regional measures to combat transboundary environmental degradation in the Volta Basin. Introduction
► Enhance countries ability : plan/manage ► Ensure effective management ► Regional institutional frameworks ► Legal and regulatory frameworks ► Develop National/regional priorities Project long term objective Equitable and sustainable management of water and associated natural resources
► VBA – Ministers: Water & Environment ► Implementing Agency: UNEP/DGEF ► Executing agencies: UNOPS, UCC Water ► Project Steering Committee (PSC) ► Project Management Unit (PMU) ► Project Task Force (PTF)??? ► National project body: NFP and NIC Institutional framework: key components
Key Project Results Specific objective 1 Establish the Project Management and Coordination mechanism with VBA Identify and fill training gaps: IRB/TDA/SAP process Develop stakeholders involvement plan Dev. information exchange mechanism Support establishment of VB Observatory Specific Objective n° 1: Build capacity, improve knowledge and enhance stakeholders’ involvement to support the effective management of the VRB
Key Project Results Specific objective 2 Aimed to finalize and agree on a geographically specific, quantitative TDA ; development of SAP and the APNP-VRB National TDA report finalized and validated 4 Regional Thematic reports on water resources, ecosystems, governance analysis and economic status completed by TDA regional experts (long delays) Regional TDA Document drafted SAP Delayed, now commencing-TORs posted on internet. Specific Objective n° 2: Develop river basin legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks and management instruments for addressing transboundary concerns in the Volta River Basin and its downstream coastal area
Key Project Results Specific objective 3 ► Joint management of a flow release warning system in the Sourou river valley (Mali – Burkina Faso) ► Installing and comparing technological models of waste water treatment in the Cities of Kara (Togo) and Natitingou (Benin) ► Restoring and protecting the river beds of the Black Volta and its tributaries through participative campaigns of reforestation (Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana) Specific Objective n° 3: Demonstrate national and regional measures to combat transboundary environmental degradation in the Volta Basin.
Demo Project Challenges Demo project 1 Reluctant to share information Demo Project 2 Kara Municipality: Challenge to resettle inhabitants along the river bank (Options proposed) How to deal with private sector involvement in project implementation Demo Project –Benin: Non relevance of demo project Demo Project 3 Political situation in Cote d’Ivoire: Bilateral meeting between Ghana & Côte d’Ivoire delayed National Partners Capacity limited
Reliance on consultants: Delay in submission of reports Resignation of consultants mid-way into activities/ Non completion on agreed assignments Lack of coordination/ feedback from national partners on specific issues, like MOA funding/ reporting Non mobilisation of national co-finance contribution Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire : Affected mainly the TDA process and the Demo Project implementation. Agreements issues: Executing and Implementation partners Main challenges with Project implementation
Training of National Partners or Incentives to deliver? Limited Consultants to engage in TDA/SAP process Linking other institutional strengths in Groundwater issues to project process Linking Coastal issues Priority Capacity-Building needs Need for Collaboration
Activities Pictures
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