Aaron Williamson & Karen M. Sandler July 28, 2011 OSCON Legal Basics for Developers: A (AN?) FAQ
Do I need to put copyright notices on my code to get a copyright?
What's the difference between free software and open source? Is there a legal distinction?
If I find some code and the header says it's open source, can I use it?
Why are there so many licenses?
Sounds complicated. Can I just put my code in the public domain?
My project is GPL'd, and some company is using it in its product, but not providing source. What should I do?
Can I sue them?
I'm signing an employment/contractor agreement, and it says the company owns all my work. How can I keep my copyrights to free software I develop on the side?
I submitted a patch to a project, and they want me to assign my copyrights. What does this mean? Should I do it?
I'm starting a free software project. Are there legal issues I should consider when choosing a name?
I hear that there are patents in the field I'm writing software for. Should I be concerned? Should I study the patents to make sure I'm not infringing?
What can I do to protect myself and my users from patents?
Should I incorporate a nonprofit for my software project?
Can you compare the abstraction-filtration-comparison test to the analytic dissection test?
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