Moving from a Working Portfolio to a Showcase Portfolio or “Yes, I can teach so that students learn!”
Portfolio Exit Interview Each candidate is allotted a 10-minute segment. You will prepare a 7-minute presentation focusing on: Why you believe you have become a leading teacher Description of your perceived strengths as reflected in the evidence of your impact on student learning The development of your knowledge, skills, and dispositions as related to the Domains and Themes of the Leading Teacher Program
A Portfolio… has a specific purpose What is the purpose of the showcase portfolio for the Leading Teacher Program? Self-evaluation Demonstrate impact on student learning External review
A Portfolio… is developed for a specific audience Who is the audience for your showcase portfolio? You Faculty of the Leading Teacher Program School district personnel
Components of the Showcase Portfolio EVIDENCE of Impact on Student Learning What evidence do you have that your knowledge, skills, and dispositions have had an impact on student learning? Choose 3-5 examples from your working portfolio that demonstrate you have had an impact on student learning.
Components of the Showcase Portfolio LESSON/INSTRUCTIONAL Plan(s) … that resulted in student learning What is the connection between your teaching and the evidence of student learning? Include your lesson or instructional plans that resulted in the student(s) learning - Establish the teaching-learning connection
Components of the Showcase Portfolio REFLECTION on your Evidence of Student Learning Describe the chosen piece of evidence of student learning; Set the context for the piece of evidence What was/were the intended outcome(s) for the lesson? What do you think the evidence shows that the students learned? How is the learning connected to the PDE Academic Standards and/or specialized professional content standards?
REFLECTION on your Evidence of Student Learning (continued) Why did you choose to include this piece of evidence? What decisions did you make as a result of the assessment of this lesson? What would you do differently if you were going to teach this lesson again? How does this piece of evidence reflect your growth in the Domains and/or Themes of the Leading Teacher Program? Your reflections should establish the link between your teaching and student learning
Therefore… Each portfolio entry has three parts… 1.The EVIDENCE of student learning 2.The LESSON/INSTRUCTIONAL plan that resulted in student learning 3.A REFLECTION on your choice of evidence of student learning and the accompanying lesson plan
Recommended Sections Table of Contents –*Make sure the portfolio sections match the Table of Contents Documents (transcripts, clearances, letters of recommendation, certificate, awards, ???) Student teaching evaluations Educational philosophies 3-5 examples of your impact on student learning, including (for each entry/example): EVIDENCE (of impact on student learning) LESSON or INSTRUCTIONAL plan that resulted in student learning REFLECTION on evidence
General Considerations 1.Customize for external reviews 2.Create a professional cover 3.Organize the portfolio Include a table of contents Tab different sections 4.Begin with an introductory section Like an introduction to a book, this section should entice the reader to read the rest of the book!
General Considerations 5.Word-process everything Including cover sheets, sections, table of contents, tabs 6.Check spelling and grammar 7.Label every entry clearly 8.Be creative, include pictures (if you have them), but KISS!! (Keep It Simple and Straightforward!!)
In the interview… Most importantly, know how to use the portfolio as evidence to support your interview, not to take the place of the interview itself
Portfolio Exit Interview Each candidate is allotted a 10-minute segment. You will prepare a 7-minute presentation focusing on: Why you believe you have become a leading teacher Description of your perceived strengths as reflected in the evidence of your impact on student learning The development of your knowledge, skills, and dispositions as related to the Domains and Themes of the Leading Teacher Program
In preparing your presentation and when responding to any questions, you should use your showcase portfolio to substantiate your self- evaluation
Portfolio Exit Interview Exit interviews will be held December 9 th and 10 th You will be contacted by April St. Clair within two weeks prior to the interviews to schedule a time for your interview You are excused from school for the time of your interview
Portfolio Exit Interview Bring your portfolio to use during the interview (you will take this with you when you leave) Bring one copy of each of the 3-5 “portfolio entries” including: EVIDENCE of your impact on student learning, the accompanying LESSSON or INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN that resulted in student learning and your REFLECTION on that evidence Place copies in a folder or binder with your name on it Clearly label all pieces within the folder with YOUR name
Enjoy the rest of your student teaching!