Professional Teaching Portfolio Valerie Waloven
Table of Contents About Me Content Pedagogy Student Development Diverse Learners Multiple Instructional Strategies Multiple Instructional Strategies Motivation and Management Motivation and Management Communication and Technology Communication and Technology Planning Assessment Reflective Practice: Professional Growth Reflective Practice: Professional Growth School and Community Involvement School and Community Involvement
About Me My name is Valerie Waloven. I am a graduate student at SUNY Oswego. I am in my last year in the MSED program for Childhood Education. I enjoy working with children and am really looking forward to having my own classroom in the near future. For more about me please CLICK HERECLICK HERE
Content Pedagogy INTASC Standard 1: The teacher understands the central concept, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. My Reflection Lit Final
My Reflection on Content Pedagogy To be an effective teacher, I think it’s important to be able to provide all students with the same opportunities to learn. Teachers should create their lessons so all students’ needs are met. The concepts should be taught in a way that the students can make sense out of it, which is also personally relevant to them. These instructional activities should also allow and encourage the students to want to learn more about the subject. To be able to accomplish this, teachers need to understand both the content the students are learning as well as how students learn.
Student Development INTASC Standard 2: The teacher understands how children learn and develop and can provide learning opportunities that support a child’s intellectual, social, and personal development. My Reflection Hidden Curriculum
My Reflection on Student Development It is important for teachers to understand how their students develop in order to provide instruction that supports their individual growth. They also need to need to be aware of each students’ differences, including strengths and weaknesses so they are able to meet their needs and accommodate how they learn best. Teachers should also continuously make adjustments to their instruction according to their students’ interests and abilities.
Diverse Learners INTASC Standard 3: The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. My Reflection Lesson One Lesson Two Lesson Three
My Reflection on Diverse Learners Because there is a wide variety of the types of students in a classroom, there is also going to be differences in how they will learn. Lessons need to be taught in ways that accommodate all learners. It is important to provide each and every student with the best possible opportunities for them to succeed to the best of their ability. Treating students differently is the key to being fair.
Multiple Instructional Strategies INTASC Standard 4: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills. My Reflection Multiple Intelligences
My Reflection on Multiple Instructional Strategies To be an effective teacher, you need to be able to teach your lessons in ways that meet the needs of every student in your classroom. It better helps to support students in their learning and understanding of the content when they are taught in ways that work best for them. This in turn encourages the desire to learn because it offers the students more options in their learning. It also makes students feel they are a part of the classroom learning environment especially for example, when such methods as cooperative learning and whole group discussions are used.
Motivation and Management INTASC Standard 5: The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positives social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. My Reflection Incentives & Denominations Guest Speaker Research on Behaviors
My Reflection on Motivation and Management I think it’s important for students to be encouraged to think for themselves to make the right decisions. This includes being held accountable for the rules set in the classroom. I also think it’s a good idea to have the students take an active part in making these rules so they are aware of and understand them, and also so they are more likely to follow them. Students should also be aware of the consequences of breaking these rules as well as know that by following them, they are contributing to a safe and respectful classroom environment for themselves and their peers.
Communication and Technology INTASC Standard 6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. My Reflection Bilingual Ed. Presentation Parent Involvement
My Reflection on Communication and Technology Using technology in the classroom is a good way to enhance the students’ educational experience by increasing the variety of instruction. It is also a good way to supplement other methods of classroom instruction. It should also be incorporated into all aspects of the curriculum whenever possible so students get the most out of their learning.
Planning INTASC Standard 7: The teacher plans instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. My Reflection 4th Grade UDL
My Reflection on Planning When planning instruction, teachers need to take each students’ individual differences into consideration, in order to provide them with the best possible opportunities to learn. Teachers also need to be flexible in their planning, allowing for adjustments and revisions in their lessons and activities when needed. It is important to be able to see what works for the students, what does not, and make the changes accordingly. A variety of instructional strategies should be used to reach a wide range of students, with different interests and levels of ability.
Assessment INTASC Standard 8: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learners. My Reflection DBQ Test
My Reflection on Assessment It is crucial for teachers to use assessment to evaluate their students’ learning. They can also use it as a tool to provide more effective instruction. The teacher uses assessment to let him/her know if their students are understanding the material and meeting the objectives of the lessons. It will also let the teacher know if they need to make any adjustments in the curriculum or in their teaching methodologies to ensure every student is able to achieve these learning outcomes.
Reflective Practice: Professional Growth INTASC Standard 9: The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. My Reflection Lesson One Reflection Lesson Two Reflection Lesson on Global Warming Reflection
My Reflection on Professional Growth It is very important for a teacher to continuously evaluate their teaching and instructional strategies. They need to be able to know what works and what does not. It is important for them to be flexible and always listen to and try new ideas. They need to know how they can improve and be willing to always look for ways to become a more effective teacher.
School and Community Involvement INTASC Standard 10: The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being. My Reflection Letter to Parents
My Reflection on School and Community Involvement It is important for teachers to form and maintain positive relationships with the people outside the classroom that can have a huge impact on the lives of their students. These people include parents, teachers or administrators, and other members of the community. Teachers and parents should communicate on a regular basis about information necessary for students’ success. Teachers should also create a warm and open environment that encourages teamwork and participation from these members to ensure students’ learning and well-being is supported.
Acknowledgement This professional portfolio is based upon Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium’s Core Standards. For more information about INTASC Standards Development, please click