School Townview Attendance and Truancy Policies and Procedures Back to
Attendance: State Law and District Policy According to Texas State Law (Dallas ISD Policy FEC[Legal]), "each student must attend at least 90% of the days a class is offered. If the student does not meet the required amount of time spent in a class, the student receives no credit for the course. Students, who have attendance below 90%, and are passing the class, must be offered an opportunity to earn the credit." At Townview this is done through a PRINCIPAL PLAN
Who Qualifies for a Principal Plan to Regain Credit? Students with attendance below the 90% threshold but above 75% that have a passing grade in a particular course must participate in the Principal's Seat Time Recovery Plan in order to receive credit for that specific course.
What is a student expected to do when they fall below the 75% Attendance Threshold? The student must file an appeal with the attendance review committee within 30 days of the close of the instructional quarter. If approved, student will be allowed to participate in the Principal' Seat Time Recovery Plan.
How does the Appeal Process work if the student is Passing the Course and fall below the 75% Threshold? Submit Intent to Appeal letter to my Attendance Committee Teacher/Designee for my School and receive appointment day/time to appeal loss of credit. Meet with Attendance Committee on appointed date to explain extenuating circumstances for attendance. (The Attendance Committee will vote for or against approval on a case by case basis.) Meet with the Attendance Committee Teacher/Designee for my School to determine eligibility for continuing process of seat time recovery.
What does the Principal Plan Consist Of? Opportunities to Regain Credit Townview High School Principal’s Attendance Plan to Regain Credit consists of students regaining credit through tutorials, Saturday School and/or independent study projects. *All student work is to be commensurate with missed class instruction. The following table illustrates the expectation based on the number of days missed.
More Important Info on the Townview Principal Plan… Students will need to complete the Principal Plan to Regain Credit in each class in which they had a passing grade yet fell below 90% attendance rate. To do this s/he will complete and submit a content specific project/tutorial for credit recovery for each class for which s/he is eligible before the stated deadline. The minimum requirements for each project are as follows: Student Expectations (SE's), and/or Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and Learning Objectives (LO's) - content with content/course for quarter. Significant work for student consistent with attendance percentage group. (Refer to table.)
When do I know I have completed my Principal Plan and have Successfully Regained Credit? The student has received all necessary signatures (parent, student, Attendance Administrator, School Principal on the Principal Plan) The student has completed all required tutoring time with the instructor and is reflected on the log The student has collected all graded work from the instructor and attached with the Principal Plan The student has submitted all required documents with signatures to the Attendance Committee Teacher/Designee and “Principal Plan Completed” has been documented and all paperwork has been filed
Townview Attendance Committee Teachers/Designees ESSM: Veronica Freeman SBM: Kevin Miles SEM: Glen Samford HSHP: Sharonda Williams LAW: Designated Teacher TAG: Ben Mackey TMC Attendance Administrator: YaRonda McDonald
State Compulsory Attendance Laws: Truancy A truant conduct student referral to Dallas County Court and/or a Criminal Parent Contributing to Non-attendance charge shall be submitted in accordance Texas Family Code (a) and Texas Education Code including unexcused absences already accumulated. The Dallas County Truancy Court may assess fees, court fines, and assign the parent and/or the student to counseling, tutoring and/ or community based services
Truancy Warning Letters Step 1 : Warning Letters are mailed out when students have 3 unexcused absences (letters are sent through the District’s truancy department) and parents are asked to attend an informational meeting on designated days during the school year. Step 2 : Letters for an intervention program (at a cost of $35) are sent out after 6 or more unexcused absences (letters are also sent through the District’s truancy department) Step 3 : Court cases are filed when a student has 10 unexcused absences within a six month period. A court summons is sent to the parent or a constable will deliver the summons in person to the parent (this is done by the court system in preparation for trial). Absences can be single periods or full days.
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 1 First Point of Contact: Attendance Office (Room 201) Get a detailed Attendance Report from the Attendance Office in Room 201. (Only between 8:00-9:00 a.m.) Verify Attendance report and correct any errors (Provide missing excuse notes, have teacher complete an Attendance Correction Form, if needed) Submit an updated Attendance Report to the Attendance Office (Room 201) attached to the Truancy Warning Letter with the highlighted date(s) that were corrected. (Only between 8:00-9:00 a.m.)
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 2 & 3 First Point of Contact: Attendance Office (Room 201) Get a detailed Attendance Report from the Attendance Office in Room 201. (Only between 8:00-9:00 a.m.) Verify Attendance report and correct any errors (Provide missing excuse notes, have teacher complete an Attendance Correction Form, if needed) Submit an updated Attendance Report to the Attendance Office (Room 201) attached to the Truancy Warning Letter with the highlighted date(s) that were corrected. (Only between 8:00-9:00 a.m.) If Attendance is Accurate as stated in the Warning Letter Complete a 45-day Attendance Improvement Contract (student and parent initials required). Submit to Mrs. McDonald (Assistant Principal) in Room 242.
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 2 & 3 The Attendance Improvement Contract will be entered into the SAMS System and monitored weekly for compliance by Ms. McDonald. Student is to submit his/her Attendance Report every Friday to Ms. McDonald as a Sign-In Sheet as required in the Contract either before school or after school by placing it in her box. If the contract is broken (Attendance Report reflects any “Unexcused Absences or Tardies”), the student will be placed on a Daily Sign-in sheet as the next Truancy Prevention Measure along with a parent conference. Daily Sign-In Sheets can be found in your Cluster Office
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 4 First Point of Contact: Cluster Office Front Desk Clerk A Mandatory Parent Conference with Administrator is required. This conference must be scheduled through your Cluster Office with the Front Desk Clerk (Monday- Friday between 8:00-9:00 a.m.) Cluster Office will provide paperwork to student that is to be completed and brought to Administrator/Parent Conference Parent Conference Documentation: Detailed campus assessment Student Checklist Parent Checklist Individual Truancy Prevention Plan
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 4 Teacher Daily Sign in Sheet is required with weekly acknowledgement and signature from both the Assistant Principal and Parent. Student must submit his/her weekly Attendance Report every Friday to Ms. McDonald as required to monitor student compliance with the Individual Truancy Prevention Plan/Attendance Contract (Designated times are before or after school) If the Individual Truancy Plan/Contract is broken, the next Truancy Prevention Measure that will be enforced is Volunteers Change Everything Program and complete an orientation with the parent and do 24 hours of community service.
Townview Truancy Guidelines: Level 5 Student has accumulated 10 unexcused days or parts of days in a six-month period. Dallas County Truancy court measures have been initiated by the Dallas County Truancy Court and are now in effect at Level 5. First Point of Contact: Cluster Office Front Desk Clerk A Mandatory Parent Conference with Ms. McDonald is required. This conference must be scheduled through your Cluster Office with the Front Desk Clerk (Monday- Friday between 8-9am) All of the steps and measures stated in Level 4 will also apply with Level 5. (Complete Documentation, Parent Comference, Daily Sign In Sheet, Weekly Attendance Report submitted to Mrs. McDonald)
Townview Attendance and Truancy Video: The Importance of Student Attendance and the link to Student Achievement “Attendance Does Matter” #action=share #action=share