An introduction to PSHE & SEAL - NQT Training Sam Beal & Sarah Jackson, Advisers Brighton & Hove Healthy Schools Team.


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to PSHE & SEAL - NQT Training Sam Beal & Sarah Jackson, Advisers Brighton & Hove Healthy Schools Team

Aim: to provide an introduction to effective teaching and learning in PSHE and SEAL By the end of the course you will have: More understanding of the national and local context for PSHE & SEAL Explored attitudes and values in relation to the delivery of PSHE & SEAL Developed your skills in creating a safe, learning environment for the delivery of SEAL & PSHE More confidence in answering questions on sensitive issues Increased confidence in the planning and delivery of PSHE &SEAL lessons

Working Agreement Please respect each other by keeping the confidentiality of personal material or information related to schools / pupils shared on this training Value the diversity of the group Choose to be out of your comfort zone at least some of the time eg by thinking aloud, asking questions, sharing your doubts/dilemmas Listen mindfully to other points of view, particularly if you disagree with them Speak truthfully as often as you can, saying what you really feel and think, not what you think others would like you to say Keep to time (arrive and re-commence after the break, on time) Show good mobile phone “manners”

All learning has an emotional base. (Plato)

What good practice have you seen?

Explicitly teaching social, emotional and behavioural skills on their own will have little impact. The environment and the beliefs underlying the creation of that environment have to be consistent with what is taught.

What is SEAL? Social and emotional aspects of learning is a whole school approach to promoting social and emotional skills that aims to involve all members of the school and all aspects of school life.

The Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Self-awareness Managing feelings Motivation Empathy Social skills

Primary resources through the year New beginnings Getting on and falling out Say no to bullying (one or two weeks) Going for goals! Good to be me Relationships Changes Plus – assemblies, family materials (gold), small groups (silver)

Secondary SEAL Transfer: Moving on 2 (Year 6-7) Years 7-9 Theme 1: Learning to be together (social skills and empathy) Theme 2: Keep on learning (motivation) Theme 3: Learning about me (understanding and managing feelings). Small Group Work / Focus Group Work

Ground rules and safe learning environment

Clear learning intention linked to a planned programme of study and based on needs analysis Ground rules and a safe learning environment Effective strategies for dealing with spontaneous issues Careful management of sensitive issues Range of resources sensitive to age, gender, ability, sexuality, faith and ethnicity Active learning and a range of groupings Visitors to enrich curriculum, not replace it Assessment for Learning and of Learning Evaluation

The Framework for PSHE and citizenship at Key Stages 1 & 2 – (non-statutory guidelines*) Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities Preparing to play an active role as citizens Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people

Primary PSHE Curriculum National Curriculum PSHE non-statutory framework Early Years Foundation Stage – Personal, Social and Emotional Development area of learning Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Brighton & Hove Outcomes Planning Tools and curriculum overview QCA units for PSHE (SRE, drug and alcohol education, financial capability, healthy lifestyles) & Citizenship Gyspy, Roma & Traveller Education lesson plans, Disability Equality lesson plans, Family Diversity lessons plans and more on Pier2Peer School’s medium term planning

Secondary PSHE Curriculum National Curriculum 2007 – 2 non-statutory programmes of study. PSHE: Personal Wellbeing, PSHE: Economic Wellbeing and Statutory Citizenship Programme of Study Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Locally produced learning outcomes planning tools, mapping tools and teaching resources

Learning – Healthy Schools Primary – PSHE Secondary - PSHE

What is SRE? ‘Sex and relationship education is lifelong learning about sex, sexuality, emotions, relationships and sexual health. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. SRE should empower pupils, build self- esteem, offer a positive and open view of sex and support sexual self acceptance and mutual respect.’ Sex and Relationship Education; Guidance for Schools

Challenging prejudice Scenario 1 Jamal is 5 and likes to play in the home corner. He sometimes wears nail-varnish to school. Jamal comes in from break crying and Jason says to him “Stop being such a sissy gay boy Jamal.” Scenario 2 You are using the Channel 4 videos to teach sex and relationship education to your year 4 class. Afia says loudly to Victoria “Your mum is just like those dirty lezzies in the DVD”. Scenario 3 Abdul is new to the school and is in your year 7 tutor group (or Year 6 class). As the tutor group come into the classroom you hear Sarah say “Abdul those trainers you’re wearing are really gay”.

Sexual identity and sexual orientation ‘…teachers should deal honestly and sensitively with sexual orientation, answer appropriate questions and offer support.’ (DfES, 2000) Schools need to deal effectively with homophobic bullying. (Social Inclusion Pupil support Circular 10/99) All schools, particularly early years settings and primary schools are ideally placed to challenge homophobia because they make a significant contribution to the development of values and attitudes in young children…’ (Stand up for us; Challenging homophobia in schools, DfES, NHSP, DH) It is important for all staff to challenge pupils, explaining the consequences of using ‘gay’ in a derogatory way…{this} is central to achieving progress and an environment in which being gay is not thought of as inferior. (Homophobic Bullying DCSF 2007)

Parents / carers and SRE Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any SRE outside of NC science Parents should be informed that they have this right. Parents should be involved in reviewing SRE policy with effort made to engage parents from minority ethnic and religious groups. If possible offer parents support in talking to their children about sex and relationships.

Managing a disclosure During a discussion about how to support someone who is feeling unhappy – a girl in your class discloses that she ‘can’t ever make her mum feel happy’. You are doing a session on peaceful problem solving and overhear one boy say to another, “My Dad thumps my Mum if they start arguing and that settles it”.

Healthy Schools Team King’s House Grand Avenue – Learning – Healthy Schools