Every 30 minutes in the UK, a child under 18 is bereaved of a parent. This equates to 53 children a day, and almost 20,000 a year
Every day six teenagers are diagnosed with cancer.
Three percent of 5 to 15 year olds have experienced the death of a parent or sibling – this equates to about 255,000 young people in the UK
Just over 20% of children affected by divorce were under 5 years old and nearly two thirds were aged 10 or under. Some 3,000,000 children in this country have experienced the separation of their parents.
Research indicates that if a bereaved child is not supported adequately, they are likely to experience a loss of self-esteem, which may take up to two years to become evident.
Why? A needs led request from teachers in both authorities. To recognise the knowledge, skills and understanding of the work that is already happening in this area. To bridge the gap between everyday practice in teaching and the more acute critical response to a serious incident.
Why? A partnership between the authorities, incorporating a multi-agency approach. Additional funding made available through Rochdale Healthy Schools Beacon Status.
Rationale Statutory duty on governors and schools to promote emotional health & wellbeing for staff and pupils. The new PSHE Education curriculum personal wellbeing strand includes how to deal with a breakdown in a relationship and the effects of loss and bereavement.
Rationale, cont. Supports the SEAL learning outcomes, e.g. having a range of strategies to manage strong emotions. Supports the criteria for the National PSHE CPD programme for teachers, nurses and other professionals. Supports the Emotional Health & Wellbeing theme for National Healthy Schools criteria.
What to do in schools This needs to be incorporated into a whole- school planned PSHE education programme There needs to be a whole-school approach, with strategies in place to deal with these sensitive issues There should be planned opportunities in your school for staff to engage in dialogue about the teaching & learning of this theme Staff should be aware of their local authority’s procedures relating to critical incidents.
How to use the materials The accompanying lesson plans and materials can be used to deliver elements of your planned PSHE Education programme. The materials can be adapted to suit your individual school and pupil needs. Individual teachers need to be sensitive to the needs of their pupils before using this material.
Contacts & support In the pack there are local and national organisations. Further information can be obtained from: