"A POET IN NEW YORK" FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA IES El Valle Hinojos (Trabajo editado por Tomás Soltero Naranjo, 3ºB). Textos y fotos recogidos por los alumnos de 1º y 3º ESO.
Fernando de los Ríos and F.G Lorca(spring 1929) Fernando de los Ríos Urruti (Ronda, Málaga Nueva York 1949) was a politician and the Spanish ideologist of the social movement, the humanist and the liberal democrat.Ronda Málaga1879Nueva York1949 During the Spanish Civil War he went to Geneva and then moved to France. Later he was appointed the Spanish ambassador for USA. In 1939 he became a professor at the New School for Social Research in New York. He stayed in New York until his death.
Fernando de los Ríos - Ambassador Fernando de los Ríos was an old family friend of Lorca. He invited Lorca to USA. They travelled by train to Paris and then by ship from Calais to Dover, June 10 th They took a ship from Southampton on June 19 th, 1929 to USA. It was athe RMS Olympic, the twin ship of Tytanic. Realizado por Ismael y Pablo, 3ºB
Lorca on the RMS Olympic
Nella Larsen and F.G Lorca Nella introduced Lorca to the culture of black people in USA. Lorca compared the black culture with the gypsies in Andalucia.
Nella Larsen and New York Nellallitea 'Nella' Larsen (born Nellie Walker (April 13, 1891 – March 30, 1964), was an American novelist of the Harlem Renaissance. First working as a nurse and a librarian, she published two novels and a few short stories. Though her literary output was scant, she earned recognition by her contemporaries. A revival of interest in her writing has occurred since the late twentieth century, when issues of racial and sexual identity and identification have been studiedHarlem Renaissance From his letters home we know that Lorca and Nella Larsen developed a friendship while he was staying in NYC. Although Lorca did not speak English, and Larsen did not speak Spanish, the two writers communicated without great difficulty in broken French. Lorca went to a party hosted by Larsen, and also accompanied her into the jazz clubs of Harlem. Realizado por Rafael.V y Tomás, 3ºB
Nella Larsen
Harlem Harlem is a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, which since the 1920s has been a major African-American residential, cultural and business center. Originally a Dutch village, formally organized in 1658,[2] it is named after the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands. Harlem was annexed to New York City in neighborhoodNew York CityboroughManhattan African-American Dutch[2] HaarlemNetherlandsannexed
Harlem Realizado por Mº del Valle y Diego, 3ºB
Lorca meets Philip Cummings Philip Harry Cummings ( ) was a Vermont poet, teacher, and world traveler with a talent for meeting interesting people in interesting places. Intelligent, curious, and resourceful, he embraced new cultures and learned new languages with ease. After finishing college, Cummings taught and studied modern languages for ten years, then married and began a new career as an economic analyst and lecturer on world affairs. He achieved considerable success and recognition in the decades that followed, but as time passed, he came to see his youthful friendship with the Spanish poet and playwright Federico García Lorca as the most important episode of his life. Realizado por: Maria Isabel, Laura, Mónica y Jesús. 3ºB
Vermont state USA
Ángel del Rio and Lorca Historian of Spanish literature.( ) A professor at the Columbia University(N.Y) Lorca's friend Realizado por: Mónica, Maria Isabel, Jesus y Laura.
Lorca lived in Catskill
Furnald Hall - University of Columbia(Lorca stayed there)
John Jay Hall – University of Columbia(Lorca moved from Furnald Hall )
Lorca walking with his friends through the University of Columbia
”A POET IN NEW YORK” (Manuscript) Christopher Maurer, the professor of Spanish at Boston University who discovered the "extraordinary" manuscript, said that although it was "hidden in plain sight" in the music division of the Library of Congress, "no other scholar had ever mentioned it". "It was extraordinary to find, in the US, the original of one of the central poems in Poet in New York," the professor continued, adding that he "was charmed to think of Lorca, who was a brilliant pianist, keeping archival company with so many great composers".
The Library of Congress
Lorca's Manuscript Manuscript by Garcia Lorca came up for auction. For this Lorca's manuscript the Spanish goverment paid 30,757 euros. Trabajo realizado por: Cristian, Andres, Joaquin y Juanfran. 3ºA
Some of Lorca's and Dali's paintings Portrait of Salvador Dali, by Lorca(right) Dali painted Lorca, 1922 (left) Realizado por: Lidia 3ºA
SELECTED POEMS by LORCA Spain's greatest and most well-loved modern poet, Lorca has long been admired for the emotional intensity and dark brilliance of his work, which drew on music, drama, mythology and the songs of his Andulucian childhood. From the playful "Suites" and stylized "Gypsy Ballads", to his own dark vision of urban life, "Poet in New York", and his elegaic meditation on death, "Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias"; his range was remarkable. This bilingual edition provides versions by distinguished poets and translators, drawing on every book of poems published by Lorca and on his uncollected works. Realizado por: Mar y Luz Patricia 1ºA
Lorca's poetry in English POETA EN NUEVA YORK Y OTROS POEMAS (FACSIMIL DE LA ED. DE NUEVA Y ORK: W W NORTON AND COMPANY, 1940) (BILINGÜE ESPAÑOL-INGLES). Datos del libro 15.0x22.0cm. Nº de páginas: 232 págs. Editorial: PATRONATO CULTURAL FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA Lengua: ESPAÑOL Encuadernación: Encuadernación en tela ISBN: Año edicón: 2010 Plaza de edición: GRANADA Realizado por: Esmeralda 1ºA
Lorca in music Lorca's poems sung by the Spanish musicians. Click here to listen : ture=fvwrel ture=fvwrel You can find it on You tube