ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF MOBILITY PROGRAMME Compostela Group of Universities COORDINATOR: Eva Garea, UNIVERSIDADE DE VIGO Reporter: Riitta Kataja, University of Oulu
Administrative Staff Mobility Report 2006 Short introduction to the programme and its aims Report on activities taken place in 2006 More details and a discussion on Future improvements in the Working Group Session on Friday
Introduction and Aims Since 2002, the aim of this programme has been to promote the Mobility of Administrative Staff among University members within the Compostela Group by means of Working visits. The programme is aimed at all units and services within universities excluding teaching staff
In the academic year , 34 universities from 15 different countries belonging to the CGU have participated in the programme, compared to the 27 universities of last academic year, and have offered a total of 76 places (26 more than in 2005). In February 2006, 40 exchanges were approved by the steering group, from a total of 79 applications (24 more applications than in 2005), for the period March-October and the same number of CGUs grants awarded for a total of Report on mobility in Administrative Staff Mobility Programme
The services visited are: - libraries - international offices - libraries - international offices - students and information services - students and information services - international research offices - international research offices - human resources services - human resources services - computer services - administration offices - computer services - administration offices - accounting and auditing services - accounting and auditing services - quality offices - international studies areas - quality offices - international studies areas - social services - social services Many working visits are taking place at the same time and groups of two or three people from different universities are being organized. Many working visits are taking place at the same time and groups of two or three people from different universities are being organized. Institutions and mobility in 2006 Administrative Staff Mobility Programme
Host country Host institution Department open to visits at host institution Name of Applicant received Surname of Applicant received Home institutionGrant Belgium Erasmush. Brussel Central Service for Coordination of Informatics FernandoMartínValladolid350 Central IROElenaLópezPolitechnical of Madrid350 Czech Republic Masaryk in Brno LibraryRicardoCarreroCádiz550 International StudiesJosé LuisLlamasLeón550 FinlandOulu Libraries Marta Ágnes Rodríguez San José Fischer-Dárdai Alfonso X el Sabio Pécs Electrical & Information Engineering FranciscoSampalo LainzPolitechnical of Cartagena550 FranceBordeaux 1 Direction of Uni. & Life of Students JosuneUrzainkiPublic of Navarra300 Hungary University of Pécs IROAnaGonzález CalleCastilla la Mancha550 Malta European UnitLorena Pérez-Lafarga (withdrawal) Basque Country550 IROJitkaSedláckováMasaryk in Brno550 MéxicoLa Salle International EducationRosarioPadilla RodríguezAlmería850 Central ManagementJoseFernández NavarroCantabria550
Institutions and mobility in 2006 Administrative Staff Mobility Programme Portugal ÉvoraIROJohan deSterkeErasmush. Brussel450 Minho Information System OfficeJosé MiguelCastellet MartíJaume I450 Social ServicesMª EugeniaÁlvarez VegaA Coruña300 Spain A CoruñaIROIlirLoshiPrishtina550 Alfonso X el Sabio IRO Cristina Isabel de Abreu ClaroPorto350 AlmeríaIROElisendraGeorgeWestminster350 Basque Country IROSuzanaManxhuka-KërliuPrishtina550 CádizOffice of Technology TransferLuísaBrásMinho450 Cantabria IROBarbaraSkalackaWroclaw550 Central ManagementCharlotteCucciardiMalta550 Castilla la Mancha IROJeanettePalmKarlstad550 Jaume I Computer ServiceMariePetterssonKarlstad550 LibraryTomaszOlszewskiAdam Mickiewicz550 MurciaQuality Assessment UnitHannaAlaniskaOulu550
Institutions and mobility in 2006 Administrative Staff Mobility Programme Politechnical of Cartagena Information Technology ServiceSpiersVeerleErasmush. Brussel450 Politechnical of Madrid IRO-European ProgrammesLatifaKechicheSousse450 Public of Navarra Law DepartementRitaStirlingMalta550 ValladolidIROCarinaOliveiraMinho350 VigoInternal Audit ServiceJitkaDocekalováMasaryk in Brno550 ZaragozaIRO Faculty of EconomicsEwaAgnezaWroclaw550 Karlstad Central AdministrationFabioGutiérrez-JaraquemadaZaragoza550 Administrative Service at Faculty 1GrégoireCantinFribourg550 Administrative Service at Faculty 3Francisca Martínez Faura (withdrawal) Murcia550 FribourgIRO- Research Language CentreRobertoRevuelta San JulianCantabria550 SousseCooperation, AdministrativeSabinaKarimWestminster450 Westminster Staff Development Unit in Human Resources MerjaRuotsalainenOulu550 Academic RegisterArturoLosada RodríguezVigo450
Financial Support & Future Administrative Staff Mobility Programme CGUs support: The Compostela Group of Universities will support the programme during with an estimate amount of euros. The Compostela Group of Universities will support the programme during with an estimate amount of euros. Universities support: Accommodation. Some universities also offer some meals and local transport. Accommodation. Some universities also offer some meals and local transport. Future suggestions and improvements discussed in the Working Group. WELCOME!