Submitted To : Submitted By : Mr. Manish Kumar Pankaj Beniwal Professor Deptt of food tech B.Tech (6 sem)G.J.US&THisar
OUTLINE Introduction What is it ? Comparison Need of E nose Working Principle Applications Conclusion Future prospects Reference Queries
Introduction---electronic nose o Electronic noses are engineered to mimic the mammalian olfactory system. o Instrument designed to allow repeatable identifications and classifications of aroma mixtures. o Determines the various characteristics properties of the odour while eliminating operator fatigue. e-sensing R efers to the capability of reproducing human senses using sensor arrays and pattern recognition systems.
What is it ? Electronic Nose- A device intended to detect odors or flavors. Consist of :- an array of electronic sensors used for chemical detection a neural network mechanism used for pattern recognition
Biological Nose E-Nose Inhaling Pump Mucus Filter Olfactory epithelium Sensors Binding with proteins Interaction Enzymatic proteins Reaction Cell membrane depolarized Signal Nerve impulses Circuitry and neural network Comparison of e-nose with biological nose o Each and every part of the electronic nose is similar to human nose. o Comparison Table:
The need of an e-nose o The human sniffers are costly when compared to electronic nose. o Speedy, reliable new technology of the gas sensors are used in the electronic nose. o Detection of hazardous or poisonous gas is not possible with a human sniffer. o An e-nose also overcomes other problems associated with the human olfactory system. o For the confirmation of the values obtained from a sniffer the result obtained from the sniffer has to be compared with some other sniffer’s value. o There lies a great chances of difference in the values got by each individual.
WORKING OF E-NOSE o An air sample is pulled by a vacuum pump. o It is led through a tube into a small chamber consisting of electronic sensor array. o A transient response is produced as the volatile organic compounds in the sample interact with the surface of the sensor’s active material. o A steady state response is reached within few minutes. o This response is then sent to a signal processing unit.
o A washing gas such as an alcohol vapour is applied to the array for a few seconds to a minute. o This is done to remove the odorant mixture from the surface and bulk of the sensor's active material. o Finally, the reference gas is again applied to the array, to prepare it for a new measurement cycle. o A variety of basic sensors can be used according to the nose strategy chosen. o Each sensor in the array has different characteristics. o The pattern of response across all the sensors in the array is used to identify and/or characterize the odour. Contd..
Working principle of an e-nose Electronic noses include three major parts: I. a sample delivery system II. a detection system III.a computing system I.Sample delivery system o Enables the generation of the headspace (volatile compounds) of a sample. o The system then injects this headspace into the detection system of the e-nose.
II. Detection system o Consists of a sensor set, is the "reactive" part of the instrument. o Adsorption of volatile compounds on the sensor surface causes a physical change of the sensor; they experience a change of electrical properties. o A specific response is recorded by the electronic interface transforming the signal into a digital value. o Recorded data are then computed based on statistical models. III. Computing system o Works to combine the responses of all of the sensors.
Applications of E-nose The applications(current) of an electronic nose include: Medical diagnosis and health monitoring Environmental monitoring Application in food industry Detection of explosives Space applications(NASA) In research and development industries In quality control laboratories In process and production department
In Food Industry 1. Dairy Applications 2. Meat and Poultry Applications 3. Fruit and Vegetable Applications 4. Grains and Beans Applications 5. Beverage Applications
Grains and Beans CPS (chemical parameter spectrometry) – contains 4 amperometric sensors. Odor of classes of good,moldy, weakly oats was predicted classify grains contaminated with alfatoxins. Working : Sample of dilute vapor is pyrolysed on heated catalyst of platinum. Then passed through 4 amperometric sensors of diff selectivity. Each sample was measured with 4 sensors at 4 diff temp generating 16 signals. Signals are finally treated with ANN (artificial neural network)
Beverage : Beer : Aroma scan A20S with 20 CP is used Spanish wine makers monitored lot-to lot variation in ingredients and detected microbial contamination early using e-nose Dairy : Enose 4048 system with 12 CP and Aroma scan A20S with 20 CP are used. Sensors arrays have been used to determine the role of fatty acid in aroma profiles of swiss cheese.
Conclusion An “electronic nose” is a system originally created to mimic the function of an animal nose. Offers a cheap and non destructive instrument that (if properly programmed and automated) can be operated by non specialists. Since the whole process is automatic, the cost of each measurement is very low. Finally, the measurement cycle should be faster in order to increase throughput. However, this analytical instrument is more a “multi-sensor array technology” than a real “nose”. Whatever the sensor technology, it is still far from the sensitivity and selectivity of a mammalian nose. Therefore, its aim is not to totally replace either the human nose or other analytical methods.
o in field of crime prevention and security o detection of harmful bacteria o detection of drug odours etc. The possible and future applications of an electronic nose include:
REFERENCES FLGEN KOREL.& MURAT BALABAN -Uses of electronic nose in food industry. Elizabeth A. Baldwin. Jinhe Bai -Electronic tongue and nose : application for food and pharmaceutical industry. Juan, E.Susana- quality control through electronic nose sysytem. Rod goodman- The Electronic nose – from chips to robot gust_09/P_470.pdf gust_09/P_470.pdf
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