Liaison Process for T13 & SATA-IO (Proposed) Brian Dees April 2005
Contact Information Key Contact Key Contact Brian Dees, Brian Dees, Chair – SATA-IO Digital Work Group Chair – SATA-IO Digital Work Group T13 Representative – Intel Corporation T13 Representative – Intel Corporation Other information Other information SATA-IO Website : SATA-IO Website : T13 website : T13 website :
Communication Channels Utilize more efficient communication models between the two bodies: Utilize more efficient communication models between the two bodies: T13 : any new proposed definition that is Serial ATA related should be presented to the liaison for review by SATA-IO T13 : any new proposed definition that is Serial ATA related should be presented to the liaison for review by SATA-IO Including any identified areas of new definition that require SATA-IO specification changes should be brought to T13 for review through liaison prior to finalization of content Including any identified areas of new definition that require SATA-IO specification changes should be brought to T13 for review through liaison prior to finalization of content SATA-IO : any identified areas of new definition that require ATA/X specification changes (e.g. reservation of op codes, log pages, etc…) should be brought to T13 for review through liaison prior to finalization of content SATA-IO : any identified areas of new definition that require ATA/X specification changes (e.g. reservation of op codes, log pages, etc…) should be brought to T13 for review through liaison prior to finalization of content T13 proposals and other material posted publicly through T13 website T13 proposals and other material posted publicly through T13 website Availability of documentation to SATA-IO for review Availability of documentation to SATA-IO for review Ratified specifications are available publicly through SATA-IO website Ratified specifications are available publicly through SATA-IO website SATA-IO draft documentation is available to SATA-IO contributing members in the appropriate Work Groups SATA-IO draft documentation is available to SATA-IO contributing members in the appropriate Work Groups Pro-actively using both groups for review of Serial ATA material assists in ensuring consistency and lack of conflict
Key Concerns Ensuring consistency between published specifications containing Serial ATA material, specifically: Ensuring consistency between published specifications containing Serial ATA material, specifically: SATA-IO: Serial ATA 1.0a specification, Serial ATA II specifications (Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0a, Electrical - Phyii, CabCon Vol. 1 & 2, Port Multiplier, Port Selector) SATA-IO: Serial ATA 1.0a specification, Serial ATA II specifications (Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0a, Electrical - Phyii, CabCon Vol. 1 & 2, Port Multiplier, Port Selector) T13: ATA/7+ T13: ATA/7+ Need to avoid industry confusion and potential interoperability issues by driving consistency between the two sets of specifications Need to avoid industry confusion and potential interoperability issues by driving consistency between the two sets of specifications Host controllers and devices have been designed & productized around the initial SATA 1.0a specification for over two years. Specification is stable and mature. Host controllers and devices have been designed & productized around the initial SATA 1.0a specification for over two years. Specification is stable and mature. Any changes to definition of SATA behavior in ATA/X material which conflicts with existing SATA material could result in significant field issues Any changes to definition of SATA behavior in ATA/X material which conflicts with existing SATA material could result in significant field issues Any changes to definition of SATA behavior in SATA-IO material which conflicts with existing ATA/X material could result in significant field issues Any changes to definition of SATA behavior in SATA-IO material which conflicts with existing ATA/X material could result in significant field issues Ensure that any newly created material in either forum does not directly conflict with existing Serial ATA specifications or ATA standards Ensure that any newly created material in either forum does not directly conflict with existing Serial ATA specifications or ATA standards Integration of 1.0a material into ATA/7 (and possibly future doc’s) must not inhibit interoperability of existing implementations