About Joint-Stock Company "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-stock company is structural division of "Uzoilgazextraction" Joint-Stock Company at "Uzbekneftegaz" National Holding Company. Supreme Control Board of the Company is General meeting of Shareholders. The supervisory board is selected by General Meeting of Shareholders and it carries out general management of activity of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company, defines priority directions of activity, strategy and development prospects, develops tactics and medium-term problems of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company.
HISTORY Pattern of ownership is abolished and name is changed into "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint- Stock Company. According to the decision of Central Committee of CP of Uzbekistan and Council of Ministers of UzSSR No. 296 dated 06/07/1971 it was organised «UZORGGAZNALADKA» Republican Specialised Administration at Head Gas Administration of UzSSR. By order of the State Property Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan No. 321к dated 13/12/1995 it was transformed to «MAXSUSENERGOGAZ» Open Joint-Stock Company, then it was transferred into Latin script as "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ“ Open Joint-Stock Company. In experts participated in starting-up and adjustment, repair work of boiler and technological installations of such giants of oil and gas branch, like MGPP and "Shurtanneftegaz", on Pamuk, Zevardy, Dengizkul, Hauzak, Kokdumalak deposits, etc. Structural divisions in Tashkent, Alma-Ata, Frunze and Ashkhabad cities were expanded. We have been developed and introduced high-mileage fuel devices for the various technological purposes. This working out has been awarded by Council of Ministers of USSR. Renders services to «Asia Trans Gas» Joint Venture on maintenance and emergency repair of compressor units and the equipment of "Uzbekistan-China“ gas pipeline.
Information on shareholders and their shares 56,19% 14,99% 2,82% 26,0% Amount of authorised capital makes 605,28 million UZS (equivalent to 236,8 thousand US dollars), divided into shares of 4000 UZS face-value each (equivalent to 1,57 dollars).
Licence and certificates "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-stock company has necessary permissions and licences for conducting of works in oil and gas sphere and other branches of the national economy, issued by “Sanoatkontekhnazorat“ State Inspectorate, "Energonazorat“ State Inspectorate, „State Architecture and Building“ Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan
Activity 1. Technical supervision of quality of construction and mounting works at construction and repair of buildings, gas pipelines; radiographic and ultrasonic control of welded connections, mechanical tests, chemical and metallographic analysis of metals. 2. Starting-up and adjustment works and exploitation of electrochemical protection facilities of main and distributive gas networks. 3. Repair, installation and adjustment of modern systems of control equipment, means of automatics of various process equipment. 4. Test and adjustment of high-voltage (up to 110 kV inclusive) and low-voltage electric equipment at compressor stations, drilling installations and industrial companies
"MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company occupies the following space: Board of ABK MEG - 0,61 hectares; TBPO MEG - 1,0949 hectares; MBPO MEG - 1,71 hectares; Samarkand base - 0,18 hectares. "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-stock company has in ist structure 16 industrial shops, Diagnostic centre, Scientifi- implementation centre, 2 bases of industrial maintenance in Tashkent and Mubarek Cities and motor transportation shop No. 2 which are not legal entities separately. Capacity
Kinds of rendered services Basic services of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company are starting-up and adjustment and repair work on objects of "Uzbekneftegaz" National Holding Company, manufacture of heat power for technological needs of Bukhara Oil Refueling Company, Pap tank farm, "Uchkir" sulphur-refinement facility of "Gazlineftegazdobicha, and also motor transportation services and other paid services.
Technologies, industrial actives, capacities, infrastructure The basic priority of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company is rendering of qualitative service with application of modern technologies, facilities and equipment. In 2015 for creation of conditions and convenience it is planned carrying out of repair of separate offices in the office building of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company and resurface works on the basis of TBPO. Also for increase in amounts of works and expansion of spectrum of rendered services of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-Stock Company on the basis of industrial maintenance in Tashkent city it will be spent works on preparation of place for installation of the equipment for anticorrosive isolative tape used for isolation of external steel surface of pipelines at building and repair underground gas-oil pipeline for the purpose of their protection against corrosion at temperatures of operation from-60 up to 50°С.
Short analysis of product /service market
Financial indicators of activity of the Company
Review of market and basic financial indexes Financial indexes of activity: Index Unit 2010 fact 2011 fact2012 fact2013 fact2014 fact Amount of works - total in established prices Thousand $8 966, , , , ,1 Starting-adjustment, repair work Thousand $6 260,77 309,77 949, , ,1 Paid services Thousand $4,03,83,43,22,9 Manufacture of heat power Thousand $2 701,63 676,25 601,56 096,97 306,6 Thousand Gcal 227,8296,3396,1460,7538,1 Manufacture popylene Thousand $21,189,5 Ton3,904,44
Review of market and basic financial indexes "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" Joint-stock company is the unique enterprise for swappings of oil and has no analogues in Fergana valley. Name of index, US dollars Turnover of the Company Profit before tax payment Profit after tax payment Operational expenses Net profit Cost of assets Financial indexes of activity: Calculation of indexes of profitability Profitability of assets 9,85 % Profitability of realisation 2,84 % Profitability of primary assets 2,87 % Profitability of own capital 22,94 %
Financial plans According to the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2340 dated the offered share for realisation makes 28,17 %. Received investments at the expense of realisation of the established share will be directed to modernisation of "MAXSUSENERGOGAZ" joint-stock company.
Financial plans Indexes Work capacity – total (million UZS) , , , , , ,2
Personnel potential In "Maxsusenergogaz" joint-stock company list number as of makes 1692 person, including the 10 person of administrative personnel. 1692 are working personnel: - Heads of divisions make 38 persons; - Experts persons; - Technical personnel - 91 persons; - Attendants persons; - Industrial personnel (working)-726 persons
Address: 32a, Mirzo Ulugbek highway, Tashkent City, , Republic of Uzbekistan Phone: 0 (371) Website: CONTACTS: Contacts and map