Warm up 1/21 Complete the crossword puzzle at your desk You have 10 minutes
Lab safety Zombie lab safety video (11 minutes) WrE WrE
Spongebob lab safety Obtain a highlighter With your partner (the person at the same desk as you) complete the spongebob lab safety activity
Lab safety brochure With your partner (at the same table as you) create a tri fold lab safety brochure The front cover should have a title and illustration Inside, list the most important lab safety rules for our classroom. You may use the syllabus, the textbook from the front, or a computer. Include illustrations or symbols. Make sure that your name and your partners name is on the brochure Hang the brochure on the empty bulletin board You have 40 minutes
Measurement Create a venn diagram comparing the SI (metric system) and the English system of measurement.
Foldable Complete the measurement foldable and staple or glue it into your notebook. You may make it colorful You will probably need to use the textbook or the internet as a resource We will go over the foldable You have 20 minutes
Questions Answer the following questions on scrap paper 1. What should you never do in a laboratory setting? a) Wear safety eyewear b) Eat food and water at your lab station during your experiment c) Handle all laboratory materials with care and caution d) Dispose of all laboratory materials properly. 2. You should wash your hands after a) Touching a plant in the classroom. b) Handling one of the class pets. c) Working with chemicals. d) All of the above 3. List three things that you would like Mrs. Chapel to know about you.