Nashville Elementary School Nash-Rocky Mount Positive Behavior Intervention Support
Grades: Pre-K – 5th Grade Enrollment: 770 Students School Location: Nashville, NC Principal: Margaret Sharpe Assistant Principal: Chris Romero School Colors: Red and Blue School Mascot: Cardinal School Motto: “Be the best that you can be!”
Nashville Elementary School’s Cardinal Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be a Learner
The Matrix can be found in all classrooms and throughout the school building.
P.B.I.S. Matrix on Location
Bullying Awareness School-wide Assembly to …. Bullying Awareness School-Wide Assembly
Student ParticipationStudent Participation
Character Trait-Respect
SPOTLIGHT Monthly winners received their favorite candy and their picture on the spotlight board!
Every Friday Morning, we nominate a student who has shown wonderful bus behavior for the whole week. We place their name & date on the “paper bus” and tell the student to tell their teacher that they have been chosen for good behavior on the bus. The students then goes on morning broadcast to be rewarded and received a positive reinforcement. Then their name is place on the “Get on Board to Good Bus Behavior Board”
Staff members look for students who are “caught” showing good characters traits or go above and beyond. They write the students name on the cardinal cut-out and post it on the “Best in the Nest” bulletin board across from the cafeteria.
“Caught Being A Cardinal” News
Caught Being A Cardinal Every Friday a homeroom name is drawn out of the “nest”, if there have been no discipline referrals then the class wins a reward.
P.A.S.S Club Peers Assisting Student Success Nashville Elementary School offers a peer helping class to the 4th and 5th graders. These students are volunteers who want to be a connection to the kindergartners and 1st graders so that they can help them successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life. Children and adolescents want to help each other, yet they often do not know how or what to do. P.A.S.S. members are trained and supervised to provide any or all of the following: listening and understanding; friendship and support; tutoring and academic help; role modeling for younger children; problem solving assistance; teaching character education; and referral to professionals.
Back Row: C. Matthews, D. Powell, J. Perry, D. Wallace, D. Joyner First Row: J. Whitehead, D. Hendrix, K. Denny, V. Raper, G. Lilley Not Pictured: M. Nicholson, B. Myszka
Roles of PBIS Team Members ADMINISTRATION The administration is very involved in PBIS at Nashville Elementary. They attend the meetings, support student and teacher incentive activities, help facilitate PIBS throughout the school, support behavioral interventions, and communicate daily with students and staff about PIBS rules and expectations. PBIS COACH The PBIS coach at Nashville Elementary organizes the team by assigning the PBIS duties to the team members. The coach schedules our meetings, assists the student and teacher incentives members with buying the rewards. (For example: lollipops and ice cream). The coach is responsible for making sure that all of our reports are turned into our school district PBIS facilitator. The coach promotes positive incentives to the staff and students at Nashville Elementary. SYSTEMS SUPPORT The PBIS team has been successful because they are always trying to keep rewards/incentives fresh and new. We are always offering positive feedback to the children and school community members. We communicate (letters, connect ed calls, ) with the families of our students and ask from their support as well. We also create pop quizzes for students and teachers in order to keep PBIS on their minds.
PBIS Team Community Communication
Module training was completed in 2006 Module Training
PBIS Data Discipline Referrals
Nashville Elementary Academic Achievement Student Achievement - End of Grade Test Percentage scoring at/above proficiency in Reading Grades % % % % Percentage scoring at/above proficiency in Math Grades % % % % Student Attendance % % % %
Nashville Elementary School Nash-Rocky Mount Positive Behavior Intervention Support