Literary Terms 1 Literary Terms 2 Literary Terms 3 Literary Terms 4 Extra Terms
Repetition of a consonant sound in a set of words Ex: Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers. 1 – 100Q
Alliteration 1 – 100A
Using words to create a picture in the reader’s mind. Ex: When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. 1 – 200Q
Imagery 1 – 200A
Comparison of unlike things without using “like” or “as.” Ex: “It is the East and Juliet is the sun.” 1 – 300Q
Metaphor 1 – 300A
Comparison of unlike things using “like” or “as.” Ex: She shines like the sun. 1 – 400Q
Simile 1 – 400A
Use of text/knowledge to find the meaning of unknown words. Ex: A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes. (Sherlock Holmes in this sentence leads us to believe sleuth = detective.) 1 – 500Q
1 – 500A Context clues
The reason why an author writes Ex: To tell about my experiences in life. 2 – 100Q
Author’s Purpose 2 – 100A
Method used to develop character personality Ex: “The patient boy and quiet girl were both well mannered and did not disobey their mother.” 2 – 200Q
2 – 200A Characterization
Words with opposite meanings Ex: always & seldom good & bad 2 – 300Q
2 – 300A Antonyms
Point of view where the person is telling the story from outside (using he, she, they, etc) Ex: He approached his teacher and said, “Excuse me, I need help.” 2 – 400Q
Third person point of view 2 – 400A
Attached to a root word to create a derivative of (a second form of) the word. Ex: “pre” on the word “preheat” OR “less” on the word “friendless” 2 – 500Q
Affix 2 – 500A
Coming to a conclusion based on what is known. Ex: “The man ran to catch the bus. His dress shirt was untucked and papers fluttered from his briefcase.” What can we infer about this man? 3 – 100Q
Inference 3 – 100A
The main point/key concept the author is trying to make. Ex: Summer is a wonderful time to spend at West Beach. It is a beach with light-colored, soft sand. The coastline goes on for a long way and many people enjoy walking along it. Children like to play in the surf and walk along the rocks that are visible at low tide. This is a fun beach for people of all ages. What is the main______? 3 – 200Q
Main Idea 3 – 200A
The overall, broad topic. Ex: In Of Mice and Men, death of the American Dream is the ________. 3 – 300Q
Theme 3 – 300A
Persuasion used to, for, or against a point of view. (Used in commercials and campaigns.) Ex: Buy Mary Kay make-up and you’ll look like a super model. 3 – 400Q
3 – 400A Propaganda
A personal belief that is not based on proof. Ex: Pro athletes are paid too much money. 3 – 500Q
Opinion 3 – 500A
Giving human qualities to an inhuman object. Ex: The wind whispered to the trees, tickling the leaves as it moved. 4 – 100Q
Personification 4 – 100A
A word that stands for a sound. Ex: Boom! Crash! Bang! 4 – 200Q
Onomatopoeia 4 – 200A
Extreme exaggeration. Ex: I walk up a million stairs every day to get to my room. 4 – 300Q
Hyperbole 4 – 300A
4 – 400Q Characters speaking to each other. Ex: “Hi. How are you?” she asked me.
Dialogue 4 – 400A
Expression that cannot be taken literally. Ex: It’s raining cats and dogs. 4 – 500Q
4 – 500A Idiom
Logical order (steps) or chronological order. Ex: 1. Get a knife, veggies, dip. 2. Chop up the veggies. 3. Place them on a plate. 4. Stir the dip. 5 – 100Q
Sequence 5 – 100A
Picking out the main ideas of text with the purpose of telling a shorter version of the piece. 5 – 200Q
5 – 200A Summarize
A type of writing that explains of informs by using facts and examples. Ex: Discuss what you would like to be when you grow up and why. 5 – 300Q
Informational Writing 5 – 300A
Story of someone’s life written by someone else. Ex: I wrote a book on JFK’s life. 5 – 400Q
Biography 5 – 400A
Writing to convince the reader of something. Ex: Write about whether or not your school needs a dress code. 5 – 500Q
Persuasive Writing 5 – 500A