Second Person Point of View?
One of the first questions every writer has to ask themselves before starting a new piece is: Which point of view should they use? Point of view is the tool you use for the voice of the narrator, and you have three basic choices: – First person, second person and third person. – We break down third person to- Third person limited Third person omniscient
First Person Voice: Words like I, me, my, ours, and we Used to tell personal stories Useful for the reader to see into the writer’s thoughts and feel the writer’s emotions Second Person Voice: Words like you and your Used to talk directly to the reader, especially when giving directions Useful for the language of everyday life and creates a bond between the writer and the reader Third Person Voice: Words like he, she, they, person, and one Used in most formal academic writing Useful for the writer to maintain an all-knowing, unbiased perspective
Second Person Point of View Writing in the second person requires use of the pronouns you, your, and yours. This point of view is used to address the audience in technical writing, advertising, songs and speeches. It is different from the first person, which uses pronouns including I and me, and different from the third person, which uses pronouns such as he and she. second person requires use of the pronouns you, your, and yours. This point of view is used to address the audience in technical writing, advertising, songs and speeches. It is different from the first person, which uses pronouns including I and me, and different from the third person, which uses pronouns such as he and she.
Second Person Writing for Directions Here are examples of writing in second person in do-it yourself or how-to writing: To make lemonade, you add the juice of lemons to water and sugar. You need to prepare a wall before applying primer. When getting rid of a drain clog, first turn off the water. To calculate the area of a room, multiply the width by the length. You should use masking tape to hold a window pane in place before applying glazing compounds. To add oil to your car engine, unscrew the cap, place a funnel inside, and slowly add the oil.
Second Person Writing in Advertising Advertising slogans are many times written in second person. Here are some examples: AMX - It’s Your World. Take Control” Apple - Think different AT & T - Reach out and touch someone ATI Technologies - Get In the Game Bowers & Wilkins - Listen and You Will See Burger King - Have it your way Cadence - How Big Can You Dream? California Milk Processor Board - Got Milk? Dell Computer - Get More out of Now Ebay - Buy it. Sell it. Love it. Electronic Arts - Challenge everything Hallmark - When you care enough to send the very best Lego - Play on
Second Person Writing in Song Lyrics Here are examples of writing in second person in song lyrics: “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.” Redemption Song by Bob Marley “You are an expert at sorry, And keeping the lines blurry” Dear John by Taylor Swift “You don't know what you've got till it's gone.” Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell “You can't start a fire, Worrying 'bout your little world falling apart” Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen “Don't stop believin', Hold on to the feelin', Streetlights people” Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
Famous Quotes Using Second Person Writing Here are examples of writing in second person spoken by famous people: “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” - John F. Kennedy “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” - Elbert Hubbard "Hitch your wagon to a star." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." - Henry David Thoreau
NO SECOND PERSON SOL writing assignments should be written in first or third person However, because second person is one of the voices we talk in during everyday life, it is easy to slip into it while writing.
HOW TO CHANGE FROM SECOND PERSON To change a paper into the formal third person voice of academic writing, follow these steps: Read through the paper keeping an eye out for second person words. Mark these words with a highlighter or pen. Return to any marked words. Change them to first person or third person by using an expression like – “A person should…” Could any words become third person words? Can you change “you” to “one,” or “you” to “a teacher”?
Examples Ex: “You should make sure your students all have pencils before handing out tests.” can become “A teacher should make sure his or her students all have pencils before handing out tests.”
Practice Change these second person sentences to first person. 1.You should put your cell phone in the trunk if you want to resist the temptation to use it while you are driving. 2.When you write an academic paper, keep in mind that the appearance of your paper can make a positive or negative impression on your reader. 3.If you need a new laptop computer, you will need to do some research before you make your purchase.