Digital Citizenship How to use the internet to learn and have fun How to stay in control How to report Karen Bentall, LibrarianAnne Terwilliger, Counselor.


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Citizenship How to use the internet to learn and have fun How to stay in control How to report Karen Bentall, LibrarianAnne Terwilliger, Counselor

Digital Media

Social Media: What’s Hot

Gaming Games like Minecraft and Lego let you play online with people you know and sometimes people you don’t. How to Stay in Control Sometimes when you play a game, you can feel like you’ll do anything to win or get to the next level. It’s important to remember that it is only a game, and sometimes you will win and sometimes you will lose. There is nothing wrong with losing - with lots of practice you will get better. Sometimes people may get mean when playing online games as they want to win. Make sure that when you play online games, you don’t upset anyone in order to win or get to the next level. Also remember not to do anything that you know is wrong to get cheats or tips. Remember your digital footprint. It’s best to use a nickname when you are using gaming sites, rather than give out your real name. Some people who you meet online may not be who they say they are, so remember not to give people you meet on the gaming sites information about yourself. Make sure your parents have set the privacy controls on your computer/device so that people cannot access your information. Source:

Privacy Personal information is private and includes: Real name Birthday Home address address Password Cell phone or home phone School name Activities and interests Always ask a trusted adult before sharing this information online!

Video Now turn and talk: –Why did we show you this video? –How does this video relate to digital citizenship?

Searching the Internet Online searching is a privilege. You might think that no one can see what you are searching for but you are leaving a digital footprint. It is easy to get taken in by scams, viruses, and incorrect information on the internet. Evaluate websites to make sure they are authentic (true). We’ll learn more about this in the library. Always give credit when you use information online.

Digital Citizenship Taking care of yourself online –Protect your personal information –Ask a trusted adult before sharing information or searching for information online –Stay safe by trusting your “gut” instinct –Evaluate online information resources Taking care of each other online –Respect others online –Cite your sources (give credit to the creator – we’ll learn more about this in the library) –Stand up to cyberbullying

Cyber Bullying Remember, bullying is different from other forms of conflict and fighting. Bullying involves: Doing something mean On purpose Repeatedly Sources: Steps to Respect Anti-Bullying Curriculum

Cyber Bullying (cont.) Cyber bullying is bullying. It has all the characteristics of traditional, real-life bullying. However, it is also very different from traditional bullying. It is different because: –It is done using all different kinds of technological tools. –It can help make the one who bullies anonymous, invisible, hidden. –It can make it very hard for targets to find a safe, protected place to get away from the bullying since they often have 24- hour access to technology. –There is the potential for many more bystanders than with traditional bullying. –It is both immediate and long lasting. It can happen with the click of a button and potentially never go away. –It can spread farther and faster than even the person doing the bullying is aware. –It can be very subtle and harder for both students and adults to recognize. This also makes it harder to refuse. Sources: Steps to Respect Anti-Bullying Curriculum.

Video What is your initial reaction to this video? How does this relate to digital citizenship?

Cyber Bullying (cont.) From Arlington Public Schools’ School Board: “Bullying which occurs off of school premises, including misuse or inappropriate use of technology, is also prohibited and subject to school discipline when the order, safety or welfare of the school or its students is affected as a result of such out- of-school actions.”

Cyber Bullying (cont.) 3 R’s of Bullying: –Recognize –Refuse –Report If you are being Cyber Bullied outside of school, you can still REPORT it to an adult at school.

How to Stay in Control Keep your passwords safe. Share only with a parent or trusted adult. Do not share with friends. Always log out to protect your identity. Webcam, Facetime and Skype images can be recorded (ratting) and copied and also shared with other people, so never use online cameras with people you don’t know, and remember never to do or say anything online that you wouldn’t do in real life.

How to Report Being online and using the internet is just like being in the real world - you can chat to people, play games and share pictures. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say mean things to you, or you may see something that you don’t like. If this happens, remember that it’s not your fault. Always tell a trusted adult straight away if you are upset or worried about something that has happened online. Remember to save any messages that have upset you so you can show them to who you tell - they will be able to help, and they will be able to give you good advice about what else you can do. Never worry about getting in trouble - you aren’t the one who has done anything wrong.

Take Aways When using digital media and technologies, always consider: Safety Privacy Responsibility Respect Think before you post!