Diamond Active Samples / active beamline questionnaire F Mosselmans & M Denecke 22 responses from 10 institutions
Low low To High Energy range (keV)
Other – Safeguards, nuclear forensics, non- proliferation
Radionuclide Maximum allowed activity per solid sample Np kBq Pu kBq Pu kBq Pu kBq Pu 241† 15 MBq Pu kBq Am kBq Am kBq Cf kBq Cm kBq Eu 152* 3.7 MBq Cs 137* 3.7 MBq I 129* 3.7 MBq Tc 99† 37 MBq Zn 65* 3.7 MBq Co 60* 3.7 MBq Co 57* 3.7 MBq Mn 54* 3.7 MBq P 32* 3.7 MBq Zr 95* 3.7 MBq Na 22* 3.7 MBq C 14* 3.7 MBq H 3† 37 MBq U enriched < 20 % 50 kBq Solid samples containing natural or depleted uranium 50 kBq of 238U Solid samples containing natural thorium 2 kBq of 232Th Current Diamond solid sample activity limits Radionuclide Maximum allowed activity per solid sample
Distillation of Comments Sample containment facilities that go on existing beamlines are more important in the short–term Can one active beamline be flexible enough to do what is wanted well? Don’t build an active beamline that reproduces what can be done elsewhere Need an inclusive group to pursue this if this is the plan.
Next Steps Diamond were asked by NIRO to put in a bid for an active materials handling lab where samples could be prepped/contained. (High α, medium β, ɣ) 100 m 2 lab envisaged Diamond will set up a working group for that facility in the next few months Diamond proposes to hold a workshop to discuss a nuclear beamline in the early part of next year, and in the meantime look at the technical feasibility of such a facility