HOME FROM HOME Spring Term 2016 Year 5 and 6 SCHOOL VALUES: Resilience and Endurance English Genre fiction - Chn investigate the use of adverbials to link sentences or paragraphs together. Chn plan & write short mystery stories elaborating by use of descriptive words & further details. Drama (Shakespeare) - Introduce chn to Shakespeare. Investigate different ways of writing dialogue inc. playscript layout & the use of informal language. Argument and debate - Identify features of argument texts & discuss differences between facts & opinions. Find out how to present opinions as if they were facts. Study formal & informal speech. Research for & hold a class debate. Chn then write & edit their own argument text. Classic narrative and oral poetry - Chn learn a classic narrative poem such as the Ballad of Charlotte Dymond to recite & identify features. Use role play to study the characters in depth. Compare & explore relative clauses. Then use other poems to inspire their narrative poems. Reports and Journalistic Writing - Use Tuesday by David Wiesner to study report writing. Look at different ways of writing speech – playscripts, speech bubbles, direct & reported speech. Compare formal & informal writing including use of passive voice. Poetic Style - Chn hear & respond to a range of poems from two well-known poets. Explore the use of language & how the writers imply deeper meanings & research the poets on the internet. Finally chn write their own free-verse poems inspired by those they have read. Science. Art and Design Technology Look at mathematical patterns / repeating patterns. Making collages using different materials. Using materials to construct 3D models. Making jigsaws.. PE Our PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Friday. For this half term we will be covering Gymnastics and Netball and next half term Dance and Netwall games. Maths Year 5 Place value in 6-digit numbers (PV + and -, compare numbers). Add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 to/from 6-digit numbers. Place 6-digit numbers on number lines and round to the nearest 100 or Use negative numbers in context of temperature; Calculate rises and falls in temperature. Subtract pairs of 2-digit numbers with one decimal place. To use column addition to add amounts. To find the difference between amounts of money. Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 (answers from 2dp to 6-digit whole numbers). Round decimals to the nearest whole and tenth. Use written addition to add numbers with 1 or 2 decimal places; use rounding to estimate totals. Work out new co-ordinates after a translation. Reflect a shape and write the new co-ordinates. Draw a conversion graph of imperial to metric units and use it to read off equivalent measures. Use short multiplication to multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; Use commutativity of multiplication. Use mental division strategies to find unit fractions of amounts. Use short division to divide 3-digit numbers by single-digit numbers; divide any remainders to give fractions. Estimate area of irregular shapes; calculate the area from scale drawings. Find and estimate volumes. Use short division to divide 4-digit numbers by single-digit numbers. Year 6 Place value in 7-digit numbers (PV + and -, compare numbers). Add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 to/from 7-digit numbers. Place 7-digit numbers on number lines and round to the nearest 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000. Use negative numbers in context of temperature; Calculate rises and falls in temperature. Add and subtract near multiples of powers of ten including decimals (e.g. +/- 2.99, 3.02). Use knowledge of the order of operations and brackets to carry out calculations. Explore the order of operations using brackets; for example, x 3 = 5 and (2 + 1) x 3 = 9. To find change from £100; use column addition to add several amounts. Solve multi-step word problems; Use brackets to record the necessary calculations. Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 (answers from 3 decimal places to 7-digit whole numbers. Round decimals to the nearest whole, tenth and hundredth. Use written addition to add numbers with 3 decimals in context of measures (litres, km, kg); Use rounding to estimate totals. Plot points and draw polygons in all four quadrants. Work out new co-ordinates after a translation or reflection. Interpret pie charts. Construct pie charts. Draw a conversion graph of imperial to metric units and use it to read off equivalent measures. Use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit then 4-digit numbers by numbers between 10 and 35; Use rounding to approximate. Find percentages of amounts. Use short division to divide 3-digit numbers by single-digit numbers; divide any remainders to give fractions. Recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa. Find volumes of cubes and cuboids. Describe ratios between unequal quantities. Express missing number problems algebraically. Use long division to divide 3-digit numbers, then 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Geography Look at types of human settlement and create our own villages or towns. We will be looking at using maps, atlases and computer mapping to locate countries.. Music Fresh Prince of Bel Air – To look at the interrelated dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. Stop – All the learning is focussed around this one song about Bullying. Information Technology We are Artists – To look at fusing geometry and Art to make patterns. We are interface designers- Designing an interface for an app created. Properties and changes of materials We are studying the characteristics of materials, investigating dissolving and reversible and irreversible changes. We will continue to carry out investigations using comparative and fair tests. Living things and their habitats We will be describing different life cycles of humans, mammals and amphibians. RE We will be studying Christianity in the local community and beyond and looking at Holy week: The last week of Jesus’ life. PSHCE Living in the wider world – To realise the consequences of anti – social and aggressive behaviours and how they can contribute to society through payments of TAX and VAT.