29 th January 2015 * Third years Revision Class
* Leadership * The task of a leader in guiding a group or organisation
* Styles of Leadership * Authoritarian-The leader decides without consulting any members for advice * Enabling- The leader motivates and helps the group to make their own decisions * Consultative- The leader seeks the opinion of the group and allows suggestions before making a decision
* The Catholic Church * Christianity is a world religion, Catholic church is the largest denomination * A church is a big organisation that needs leaders and people to run it. It is organised at different levels
* Leadership in The Catholic Church
Leadership Roles Within The Catholic Church
The Pope Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Priests
* Commitment What is commitment? Is about being dedicated to something What is Religious Commitment? being dedicated to religion, being committed to it
* How can commitment be seen in the Christian denominations?
* Modern Titles for Jesus * Names identify who a person is * We can all go by many different names For example/ A teacher would go by * Ms Smith in the classroom * Mary outside of school * Maisie as a nickname by those close to her
* Two titles we will look at to describe Jesus * Son of God And * Son of Man
* Son of God * Is a title that is used to describe Jesus regular by Peter and Paul. It is also found in Johns Gospel but Jesus never described himself as it. * It was first used after the Resurrection * The title is used to explain the relationship between God and Jesus * In the Old Testament A Son of God was used to describe a Religious person who lived a good life however The Son of God is just referred to for Jesus
* This was to highlight that Jesus was not a normal person, he was sent by God to carry out his work, to preach the word of God and to teach people about God. * The Son of God shows the Christian belief that Jesus was both Human And Divine
* Son of Man * The Son of Man is found in Mark’s Gospel quite a bit and it was the title that Jesus described himself as. * It links Jesus as being the Messiah which he claimed to be. It was sent as a man to come and serve mankind and to establish the Kingdom of God. During his time on Earth he lived as any person would and when he died he suffered as anyone would. * This title is to ensure that people believe that Jesus was one of us, and we can relate to him. So if we have suffering in our lives we to can turn to God
* Son of God- Shows the relationship with God and explains the type of person he was. It enables us to understand that God and Jesus are one * Son of Man- Shows the relationship with humankind. He has lived as we do and has suffered so therefore he can relate to us. He came here to help us
* FaithFul people * A faithful person is a person with a strong faith * Examples/ * Martin Luther King * Mohatma Gandhi * Mother Teresa * St Thomas More
* Martin Luther King * Until the 1960s black people were treated very poorly in America * Martin Luther King was a Baptist Minister * He believed Racial prejudice was wrong * He became leader of the civil Rights Movement in America * He wanted change to take place peacefully, but not through violence * He led a peaceful march where a quarter of a million people turned up in Washington DC
* Mahatma Gandhi Brief Summary: * Hindu * Had a very string faith in he Hindu God Rama * He was born in India in 1869 and came from a wealthy family * Sent to college in London and became a lawyer * He Campaigned for human rights
* Gandhi’s Faith What did Gandhi’s Faith teach him? 1. Love and Truth are important 2. All violence is wrong 3. Material things are not important How did Gandhi express his faith? 1. He wanted all people to be treated equally 2. He organized peaceful protests 3. Even though he became famous he kept very few material possession with him
* Mystery * What is Mystery? Connecting with something mysterious that is beyond human understanding * To Experience Mystery is to experience something so profound and deep that you cannot fully grasp it.
Encountering Mystery * Knock- The apparition of Mary People gather here in vigils and penitential services * Name another Example/
Moral failure In Christian tradition moral failure is known as Sin- any deliberate action or thought that damages a person’s relationship with God Moral failure means failing to act as a moral person
* We are able to describe the religious visions of moral failure and the understanding of forgiveness. The Christian Vision of Moral Failure For Christians, sin refers to anything that goes against God. This includes bad moral decisions, through which people hurt themselves or others or damage the environment. Selfish choices usually lead to sin.
* What have we learned? The process of decision-making.