Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative action research Isabel C. Viana Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal Maria José Magalhães Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, University of Porto, Portugal 07/11/15 University of Minho
Isabel C. Viana Key idea - vision on Tomorrow's Action Research in Education Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative research- action methodology proposes the Social and community development research as a sensitizing and formative construct of the best practices for prevention of violence and juvenile delinquency. Aims to map the integration of all facilitators used in communication for the development of prevention of violence and juvenile delinquency in the key moments of realization of the ARTWAYS project, according to the ERAC cycle (Evaluation; Research; Action; Collaborative) and the principles of transparency and credibility as a goal that guides the ARTWAYS Project. Subsequently to the time of completion of the project, it plans to establish prevention memory through artistic expression in order to facilitate the transfer of innovation to territories/places where environmental scenography claims the necessary to foster creative and competitive social cohesion, able to promote social inclusion for the essential advocacy of human rights, inherent to the interests of human development progress. (Fonte: google imagens) Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative action research
Isabel C. Viana Key idea - vision on Tomorrow's Action Research in Education Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative research- action methodology proposes the Social and community development research as a sensitizing and formative construct of the best practices for prevention of violence and juvenile delinquency. Aims to map the integration of all facilitators used in communication for the development of prevention of violence and juvenile delinquency in the key moments of realization of the ARTWAYS project, according to the ERAC cycle (Evaluation; Research; Action; Collaborative) and the principles of transparency and credibility as a goal that guides the ARTWAYS Project. Subsequently to the time of completion of the project, it plans to establish prevention memory through artistic expression in order to facilitate the transfer of innovation to territories/places where environmental scenography claims the necessary to foster creative and competitive social cohesion, able to promote social inclusion for the essential defense of human rights, inherent to the interests of human development progress. (Fonte: google imagens) Mapping the city – opportunities for curriculum in urban educational contexts Collection and processing of data; interpretation of results; strategic process maps; compared with the results of inclusive action [comprehensive analysis - ARTWAYS values for to live the human rights] Brainstorming sessions; empathy Diagram; Storyboard of communication for sustainable human development; accountability; shared responsibility; trust building Brainstorming sessions; empathy Diagram; Storyboard of communication for sustainable human development; accountability; shared responsibility; trust building Monitoring strategic plan shared responsibility: e) documents; e) processes; iii) results; iv) impact [ensure that the process of socio- community education continues through Knowledge spiral] Brainstorming sessions Mapping of educational- cultural evidence - portrait, strategic communication plan for Peace [awareness, training, facilitate the implementation of improvement sessions through artistic expression and emotional development] Brainstorming sessions Mapping of educational- cultural evidence - portrait, strategic communication plan for Peace [awareness, training, facilitate the implementation of improvement sessions through artistic expression and emotional development] Fig. 2 ERAC Cycle
Isabel C. Viana Today Education for peace with vision of tomorrow – curriculum, time and space in urban action research Video _ Education Cities C2City (Fonte: google imagens) Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative action research
Isabel C. Viana Challenges for Action Research in Critical Education * Invisible Society (Innerarity, 2009:10) presents itself with more possibilities and meanings of the social (virtuality, exclusion, violence, juvenile delinquency,risk, chance, simulation, alternative,...) sets a new concept of reality: moves from immediately to a real place and imaginary - but must respect the meanings that the actors/stakeholders attribute to the social meanings Tension/conflict generated by the rapid development of Science and Technology They are mediated by the Information Systems as far as: work/develop processes to comply with a balance between the needs of societies and communities and what these may offer (Fonte: google imagens) Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative action research
Isabel C. Viana (Fonte: google imagens ) vision on tomorrow's action research in critical education safety sustainable smart welcoming Adaptability, accountability Resilience Live the build quality Innovation - I & T - citizen collaborator Creativity - co-creator citizen Critical Education, Research Emotion, Collaborative Evaluation co-responsible involvement, action Feel the People Feel the Community Moves from a passive space and closed to an open space of authentic participation, interactive, effective public space, co-created with people, instigates the pro- activity and adopts the concept of open education – Action Research Comprehensive for Excellence for all Profile of the observatory of best practices to prevent violence and juvenile delinquency Comprehensive external evaluation using a collaborative action research Thank you for your attention