Satire and Parody Terminology
Satire is.. Ridiculing vices, follies, the ills of society, etc, for the purpose of meaningful critique or correction
Horatian Named for Roman satirist Horace Critiques a social ill or vice through gentle humor Often employs a sympathetic tone.
Juvenalian (serious Satire) Named after Roman satirist Juvenal Addresses injustice through rage and ridicule A greater reliance on irony
Inflation Making something very large in order to create ironic distance. i.e. Gulliver’s Travels -- The Brobdignagians...
Diminution Making something smaller to achieve ironic distance. i.e. Hobbits, Lilliputians
Juxtaposition Placing two unlike objects next to each other (literally or figuratively) for the purpose of meaningful or humorous contrast. i.e. Einstein drawing in a coloring book.
Burlesque The discrepancy between subject matter and style. That is, a style ordinarily dignified may be used for nonsensical matter, or a style very nonsensical may be used to ridicule a weighty subject.
Incongruity To present things that are out of place or are absurd in relation to its surroundings
Reversal To switch the natural order or hierarchy.
Parody Imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.