CSTL Sharing Meeting 2014 Implementation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (SWASH) in Tanzania Mainland Schools Southern Sun O.R. Tambo - Johannesburg, South Africa November 2014 DR. LAETITIA SAYI & MS CEPHULEN MANYILIZU
Presentation Outline A description of the programme or policy Achievements Challenges Opportunities/Emerging Issues Key lessons learnt
A description of the programme or policy Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in collaboration with three key ministries namely Minister’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government Ministry of Water Ministry Health and Social Welfare together with development partners, NGOs, CSOs and Universities developed SWASH guideline in order to ensure that hygiene education in schools meet minimum requirements. SWASH guidelines focuses specifically on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene ( WASH ) in pre primary and primary schools. It sets minimum requirements for SWASH that are relevant to various types of Schools in different contexts in Tanzania. It is designed for the use in different school settings where simple affordable and replicable options can be promoted to contribute significantly to improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene conditions in Primary Schools.
Achievements There many achievements made by SWASH programme in Tanzania:- MOEVT in collaboration with partners developed the National Strategic Plan for School Water Sanitation and Hygiene (SWASH) MOEVT developed National SWASH guideline for implementation. Memorandum of understanding have been signed by four ministries namely MOEVT, MOHSW, MOW and PMORALG to collaboratively implement National Sanitation Campaign. NSC aims at improving clean and safe water, construction/rehabilitation of toilets.
Achievement cont……. Progress on implementation of SWASH as per 30 th June, 2014 in the 44 LGAs targeting 88 schools. ITEMNo. of schools 2012/13 No. of schools in 2013/14 Total No. of School latrine completed No. of Schools with Hand washing No. of Schools with sanitation club No of Schools completed ( other sources ) No. of School in progress from other sources-37
Developed SWASH teaching manual for pre primary and primary schools ( these manuals are in Kiswahili which is the communication in primary schools ). Trained 203 SWASH coordinators and supervisors at Regions and LGAs. Trained 50 Regional Water Sanitation team on the use of SWASH guidelines. The team include REOs and RHOs.
Challenges Cultural background of the communities in the councils involved in SWASH campaign in relation to the importance of toilets. Extra effort is needed in increasing awareness in order to attain support in implementing the SWASH activities in a collaborative approach and also building in a culture of using and maintenance of the facilities. Inadequate funds to address SWASH challenges in Primary schools and some councils are not budgeting for SWASH. Inadequate collaboration between departments of Water, Education and Health.
Opportunities/Emerging Issues There is dialogue mechanism from Council to National level. Support from Regional Authorities in the implementation of National Sanitation Campaign. Conducting of School WASH Competition each year. Political commitment to support SWASH example the NSC was launched by the Prime Minister Honorable Mizengo Kayanza Pinda Conducting experience sharing meetings with LGAs on the implementation of SWASH activities.
Key Lessons Learnt Engagement of the community/parents leads to the sustainability of the Programme. Students when provided with the right information become change agents, they are quick to learn and act when taken on board, they create an enormous pressure to the community. The School Led Total Sanitation ( SLTS ) is an approach which stimulate community to participate in the mobilisation of resource for construction of school WASH facilities. SLTS is built on three pillars; Fear, Disgust and Shame Team work and Political commitment improves practice.
Improved school sanitation and hygiene contributes to a positive learning environment, quality education and health for school children. Reduces absenteeism and dropouts. Successful School WASH ensures all pupils practice proper hygiene and sanitation behaviours.
Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.