Yuxiu Experimental school Shi Hongbin
What can we use water for? Where can we get water?
A poem: Water all around us Water has no taste at all. Water has no smell. Water’s in the waterfall, The pump, the tap, the well, Water’s everywhere around us. Water’s in the rain, In the bath and in the pond, And in the sea again
A quiz How much do you know about water? 1.The scientific symbol for water is __________ A)H 2 O B)HO 2 C)H 2 O 2 D)HO 2._______of the earth’s surface is covered with water. A)3% B)70% C)90% D)97% 3.We mainly get drinking water from__________. A)rivers and lakes B) underground C) oceans D) rain 4.Our body needs about _______litres of water daily. A)two B) four C) eight D) ten 5.We will die if we don’t drink water in ________ A) a day B) two days C) a week D) two weeks A B A A C
nearly 70% of the earth’s surface 表面 [ ´ S ɜ : f ɪ s ] worldwide water shortage 世界范围的 [ ´ ʃ ɔ : t ɪ d3 ]短缺 (97%) not drinkable 不可饮用的 fresh water 淡水 source 资源 iceberg 冰山 glacier 冰川 [ s ɔ :s ] [ ´a ɪ sb ɜ : g ][ ´glæs ɪ ə ] storage tanks 储存库 purifying plant 净化工厂 [ ´ st ɔ :r ɪ d3 ] [ ´ pjur ɪ fa ɪ ] The planet of water
The world is thirsty! kindsocean water fresh water fresh water from icebergs and glaciers 冰川 (6) _________ steam 蒸汽 rivers and lakes percentage (1) ____% (3) ___% (4) _______%0.31%0.001%0.0091% formliquid (5) _________liquid (7) _______liquid conditions of being used salty and not (2) ______ hard to get and use easily polluted haven’t found ways of using it. (8) _____of it has been polluted 97 drinkable % solid underground gas some
We shoud learn how to save water. How can we save water in our daily life? We can save water by…/by not …
A questionnaire Do you have these habits of using water? ____1.I prefer a shower with water running for at least 20 minutes. It is comfortable ____2.It doesn’t matter if I have a dripping tap in my room because it won’t cost much. ____3.I sometimes play games with water. ____4.I prefer having a bath to taking a shower. It makes me more comfortable. ____5. If I see a dripping tap in public places, I will go to turn it off.
Read and do True or False: ____1. If we find leaks in our homes, we should make repairs. ____2.We can’t leave the water running while brushing our teeth, but we can wash our clothes under the running tap. ____3.We always need fresh water to flush down our toilets. ____4. Having a bath can save more water than taking a shower. ____5. The most important way of saving water is to learn to stop using water as possible. Bad habits, Bad results! T F F F F We can save water by making repairs. We can save water by not brushing teeth and not washing clothes under the running tap. We can save water by not flushing down our toilets with fresh water every time. We can save water by taking a shower instead of a bath
Use water wisely! _____1.Don’t run the tap for a cold drink of water. Put it in the refrigerator instead. _____2.Never play a game with water. _____3.Fix a dripping tap when they find a leak at home. _____4.Don’t keep the water running while brushing teeth. _____5.Place a water-saving head. _____6.Don’t take showers for a long time or use less bath water. _____7.Water our garden early in the morning or late in the evening. _____8.Wash our car with a wet towel instead of running the hose. My wise ways of using water are_____________________ My parent’s wise ways of using water are________________ A B C D E F G H E D C A G F B H A D E F B C G H
Have a discussion: Do you have any other ways of using water wisely? Here are some ways you can follow: Water flowers with waste water. Wash clothes in a basin. Take a short shower. Take a shower instead of a bath. Keep a timer( 计时器) in the bathroom
Water is source of life. Stop wasting water and save every drop of water.
Homework: Write a composition about “Saving every drop of water” with at least 60 words. Suggested points: 1.What’s the importance of water? 2.Why do we need to save water? 3.How can we use water wisely?