ОГБПОУ «ТОМСКИЙ АГРАРНЫЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ» Подготовила: студентка 1 курса специальность «Страховое дело» Агазаде Раксана Махир Кызы Научный руководитель: Кондратьева Людмила Викторовна Томск – 2016 г.
THE CONTENT 1.Washington 2.New York 3.Los Angeles 4.San Francisco 5.Philadelphia
Washington This is a district of Columbia. It has many attractions, but in my work I will consider the White house and the Capitol Washington, the capital of the United States of America, which is situated on the Potomac River.
The White House is the official office and residence of the president of the United States of America. Many years ago it was known as the Presidential Palace or the Executive Mansion. It is situated in Washington, D.C. at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, facing Lafayette Square. The White House
This is Washington State Capitol. It consists of Washington's Legislature, meets in into of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Washington. In it is also the governor's office and the vice- governor of Washington. Capitol
New York New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. It is the business centre of the United States. New York is situated in the mouth of the Hudson river.New York is quite younger than Rome, London and Moscow. It was founded in 1613 by Dutch settlers. In New - York there are many beautiful and memorable places such as the Statue of Liberty and Natural History Museum.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the main sights of New York City and the symbol of freedom of all Americans. It’s the statue of a graceful woman with the flare in her hand, which enlightens the world. The Statue of Liberty
Madam Tussaud's Museum Madam Tussaud's Museum is the most popular and talked about wax museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead, from many countries of the world.
Los Angeles. Los Angeles is situated in the south of the State of California on the bank of the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest on population in staff and the second — in the country. It is one of the largest world cultural, scientific, economic centers. Also the city is one of the largest world centers of show business in the sphere of cinema, music, television. I’d like to speak about the Tower of Bank of the USA in Los Angeles and Towers Watts.
The most recognizable symbol of the high-rise Los - Angeles, US Bank Tower rises 310 meters in the downtown area storey skyscraper which is surrounded by other skyscrapers, but excellent stands out against the background because of its unusual circular section. US Bank Tower in Los Angeles
Towers Watts Towers Watts — a striking example of the fact that in the city of mirror skyscrapers it is the most interesting not skyscrapers, moreover — not mirror, but collected almost from improvised materials. Meeting from 17 reported towers up to 30 meters high.
San Francisco San Francisco is very different from most American cities. It lies on a small finger of land with the Pacific Ocean on one side and a huge harbour on the other. It is America's most international city with newspapers in thirty different languages. The city is known as "the Paris of the West". San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge and the Lombard Street
Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge is the well- known Golden Geyt Bridge thrown through the passage of the same name. It’s one of the most known constructions in all the world
Lombard Street Lombard Street is one of the most remarkable streets in the world. It is known for the numerous turns, one of favourite places for visits of tourists
Philadelphia Philadelphia is situated in the east of the USA. It is one of the few large cities in the United States to have an old and well-preserved city centre. There are many places of interest in Philadelphia, for example, the Independence National Historical Park. We can see many monuments there. One of them is the Liberty Bell. Now the Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom
The national Historical Park of Independence The national Historical Park of Independence was created on June 28, 1948 and officially opened on July 4, Since March 16, 1959, this park included Old Philadelphian Customs (today it is the Second Bank of the United States.
Liberty Bell Liberty Bellis an ancient bell in Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, one of the most known symbols of the USA. On a legend, his ring reported to residents about signing of the Declaration of independence of the United States of America
Список использованных источников информации 1. GD Toma Khin. Across the Countries of the English language. – Москва.: Просвещение, Рожкова Ф.М. По странам изучаемого языка/Ф.М.Рожкова.- Москва.: Просвещение, Цветкова И.В. Английский для школьников и поступающих в вузы/И.В.Цветкова.- Москва.: Глосса, Planet of English: учебник для СПО.- Москва.:Академия,2015
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