Lotus Notes eMail Signature
Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt <table width=870 border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3">__________________________________ </td> </tr> <td width="340"><font color="#000066" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong><font size="1"> Peter E. LaHaye </font></strong></font><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br> <strong> Distribution Sales Manager | Commercial Ceiling Systems </strong><br> Professional Title <br> Phone: 1-877-ARMSTRONG, Option 8, Ext. 8091 <br> cell: 123-456-7890 You should have received a file from Dawn Chittick on Friday, April 21, that contained a text file. The file was to be saved to your computers so we could together change your signature in Lotus Notes. The file was called email_signature_armstrong_rep.txt Please open the file. Our goal is to have a common signature used by everyone to keep with our brand standards and provide consistency. What you see on the screen is the same code you have in the text file from Dawn, only this version is color-coded. To personalize your signature, go through the text file and make changes to the personal information that is highlighted on this screen in red. If you want your cell phone information to show on your email signature, update it. If you do not, delete the information that you see on this screen in green. Please do not change anything that is not highlighted on this screen in either red or green or you will break the code. (more on next slide) Personalize red copy Green copy is optional. Delete all green if you do not want this info listed
Lotus Notes eMail Signature eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt fax: 518-674-0212 <br> <a href="mailto: palahaye@armstrong.com "> </a> | <a href=“paste your website address inside these quotes">Visit my website. </a></font></td> <td width="50"></td> <td width="200"><img src="http://www.armstrong.com/common/c2003/images/logo_small.gif"></font></td> </tr> </table>
Lotus Notes eMail Signature Once you have all of your personal information changed, save the file. Make sure the file “Save as type” is Text Document (*txt) eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.txt
Lotus Notes eMail Signature You now have to save the file again. This time, follow the same steps, but when you name the file, change the “.txt” to “.html” The save type does not matter. eMail_signature_Armstrong_Rep.html
Lotus Notes eMail Signature Open up Lotus Notes and go into your inbox. From the Tools drop down, select Preferences.
Lotus Notes eMail Signature Select the Signature Tab. Check the box for “automatically append a signature at the bottom of my outgoing email messages Select HTML or Image File Use the Browse. . . To locate the HTML file you just saved. Then click OK. Signature tab Check to ‘automatically append. . .’ Select HTML or Image File Browse for the HTML file you just saved. Modify “Files of Type” to read HTML Files Click OK.
Lotus Notes eMail Signature Create a new memo in Lotus Notes. Your signature should look like this.