Intranets & HTML
Learning Objectives Describe the purpose of hypertext linking, identifying the means by which it can be achieved such as hot words / links, buttons and hypertext mark-up language (HTML). Describe the basic features of mark-up languages.
Intranet A website just like an internet web site but only accessible locally from within an organisation computer system. Limited number of users / pages (Access controlled by) use of passwords Allows for confidential / sensitive data
Advantages and disadvantages of an Intranet Hits will be from qualified people. Higher proportion of hits from interested parties. Greater chance of finding interesting information because of smaller number of sites. Less chance of misleading / hoax sites. Chance to keep research results restricted. More sensible discussion groups set up. Faster access because of smaller amount of data. Access / membership can be controlled. Disadvantages May lose chance of sensible comment because person does not have access.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Click View – Source on a web page to see the code which makes it. Today most people use web page creation software which creates the code for the designer while they use a ‘word-processing’ like environment to create the page. Before this type of software people had to learn HTML and even today some people still use it to full control of a web page or to make a fast to load complex web page. Is written in the form of tags, surrounded by angle brackets.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) A computer language used to create multimedia pages. Each page consists of the text to be displayed with tags providing special instructions about the display. It also provides links to files / pages (picture/sound/video/…).
Basic page <html> <body> Search engines </body>
Basic page <html> <body> <h1>Search engines</h1> </body> </html> The <h1> tag sets text as a heading in style 1. Valid tags are <h1>; <h2>; <h3>; <h4>; <h5>; <h6>. What effect does changing the number have?
Basic page <html> <body> <h1>Search engines</h1> Yahoo<br> Excite<br> Google<br> </body> </html> <br> creates a line break <p> and </p> can be used to begin and end a paragraph
Some extension questions: What do you think the tags for bold would be? <B> </B> And the tags for Italic? <I> </I>
Adding hyperlinks <html> <body> <h1>Search engines</h1> <a href="">Yahoo</a><br> <a href="">Excite</a><br> <a href="">Google</a><br> </body> </html> The URL of a hyperlink must be enclosed in quotation marks
Adding the title <head> <html> <head> <title>Information on search engines</title> </head> <body> <h1>Search engines</h1> <a href="">Yahoo</a><br> <a href="">Excite</a><br> <a href="">Google</a><br> </body> </html> The title is not the same as the page heading
Page Heading <HEAD> … </HEAD> section goes before the <BODY> tag. Some search programs enter text in the ‘HEAD’ in a database so that the search engine can find it if it contains what the searcher wants. Thus it is a good idea to include some keywords in the title.
Example Stylesheet h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 24pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000066; text-align: center; } h2 { font-size: 18pt;
Example Stylesheet continued font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #0000FF; text-align: right; } h4 { text-align: center;
Stylesheets Advantages of style sheets: Consistency, since the design can be the same throughout the site or section. Efficiency, since changes to one file are rippled through the site.
Specific Features Of HTML Links Provide a fast way of navigating between pages. e.g. <a href="">Yahoo</a> Hot words / buttons / spots Tags may be used to define some text as a link to allow simple searching. e.g. Images Tags used to indicate where images are to be inserted into the text. e.g. <img src="images/school.gif" width="554" height="325" align="right">
Plenary Explain what is meant by a hypertext mark up language.
Plenary A computer language used to create multimedia pages. Each page consists of the text to be displayed with tags providing special instructions about the display. It also provides links to files / pages (picture/sound/video/…).
Plenary Describe the features of a hypertext mark up language that could be used when designing a web page.
Plenary Enhancement of text by use of colour/bold/font by enclosing text in tags. Use of head and body to convey information to search programs. Hot buttons to allow simple searching Style sheets to define formats to be used on whole areas. Tags may be used to indicate where illustrations are to be inserted into the text. Links provide a fast way of navigating between pages.