“The Relationship between Teacher Education, Professionalism and Lifelong Learning”
Introduction This qualitative study unravels teachers’ perception on and involvement in lifelong learning through literature review. It also attempts to foster and encourage lifelong learning through professionalism and as the twenty first century is approaching, learning throughout life will be essential for adapting to the evolving requirements of the labor market and for better mastery of the changing time- frames and rhythms of an integral part of national and international policies.
The present study is three pronged: 1. To have better understanding of various viewpoints related to lifelong learning held by scholars; 2. To enhance my research competence through reflecting upon lifelong learning and its significance; 3. To foster lifelong learning through in depth literature review.
Methodology Due to the relatively short-time scale, I had to keep the study within a predictable limit as far as possible. I adopted a qualitative research method for this study, which involved literature review from various sources.
The objective of this study is not to develop knowledge that can be used to theorise or make generalizations for wider applicability, but to contribute to increase understanding of various perspectives on lifelong learning held by research practitioners.
Review of Literature What is lifelong learning and the need for lifelong learning? People are always wanting teachers to change. Rarely this has been truer than in recent years. Hargreaves, (1994) asserted that, everyone expects teachers to change and within this global world people are in a a state of anxiety about the way teachers prepare generations for the future.
Therefore, from one perspective the need for lifelong learning can be that teachers need to develop themselves in order to keep up with the changing system. Although there is considerable current interest in lifelong learning, the subject has thus far been discussed and under researched, according to a number of research practitioners: (Day1999;Hargreaves 1995; Hoyle and John 1995; Ranson 1990; Griffits 1996 and Bucklow and Clark 2000).
The relationship between Teaching and Lifelong Learning: Is it a new phenomenon? Research into lifelong activity considered in conjunction with the transition from school to working life or from basic education to continuing education.
Inherent to this, Rowley in 1998 emphasized that, the extent to which learners in the knowledge-based society have different needs from those their predecessors. In order to meet their requirements, there is a need to offer courses here and now, specify smaller units of content, use of methods providing scope for greater participation by learners.
The Implications for Teacher Education Programs and in Schools Coffield expressed that: “The creation of a learning society needs to be built upon a theory of learning, which encompasses not only the cognitive processes within the needs of individuals
but also the social relationships and arrangements which stimulate learning, recognizing that learning is shared responsibility by all the social partners – government, employers, trade unions and individuals.” (1996, p.9)
In order to satisfy these needs, higher education should itself become a learning organization. Day (1999) in his book called ‘Developing Teachers – The Challenges of Lifelong Learning’ stressed the fact that, how teachers behave as professionals is fundamental to the quality of classroom teaching and learning and is at the core of much research and writing links purposeful, skilled caring with effective teaching.
Conclusion and Findings The findings of this study indicate that lifelong learning is significant for educators and can be summed up under three main headings as follows: 1. Lifelong learning is significant for educators to develop themselves as professionals due to the fact that teacher professionalism stresses a commitment to continuous development among teachers.
A core traditional claim by teachers has been that they are ‘professionals’. Implicit this is the the perception of a tradition that their training provides them expert knowledge of subject, pedagogy, students and their position as teacher accords a degree of autonomy.
2. As the twenty-first century approaches, education is so varied in its tasks and forms that it covers all the activities that enable people, from childhood to old age, to acquire a living knowledge of the world, of other people and themselves.
The key point to the twenty-first century is then learning throughout life will be essential for adapting to the evolving requirements of the labor market and for better mastery of the changing time- frames and rhythms of individual existence. 3. The view of lifelong learning can be attached to individual and social development of all kinds and in all settings. This approach can be seen as system wide and it focuses on the standards of knowledge and skills needed by all regardless of age.
RECOMMENDATIONS For future studies, the concepts of lifelong learning and teacher education will merge with technology. As we live in the 21 st century, it is inevitable to underestimate the significance of lifelong learning in relation to technology.