CYPB Presentation to City Council Criminal Justice Committee September 23 rd, 2015
Purpose Children and Youth Planning Board2 The New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board is authorized by State law and City ordinance to serve as the coordinating body for youth policy and planning in New Orleans.
Challenges Facing New Orleans’ Youth Children and Youth Planning Board3 Child Poverty Rates Source: The Data Center The child poverty rate in New Orleans dropped in 2007, but in 2013 it increased to 39 percent, similar to the level pre-Katrina.
Challenges Facing New Orleans’ Youth Children and Youth Planning Board4 Source: The Data Center Poverty’s relationship to healthy brain development “In short, scholars argue that poverty may be the single greatest threat to children’s healthy brain development.”
Challenges Facing New Orleans’ Youth Children and Youth Planning Board5 Source: The Data Center Poverty in New Orleans varies widely by neighborhood. This is a map of poverty rate by census block group, The more purple the area, the higher the concentration of poverty.
Mission Children and Youth Planning Board6 CYPB’S mission is to encourage collaborative efforts among local stakeholders and comprehensive planning for services and programs for the children and youth of New Orleans.
Children and Youth Planning Board7
Connections for Success Children and Youth Planning Board8 Children and Youth Quality Schools Economically Viable Jobs Affordable Quality Healthcare Safe Streets Safe Parks and Recreational Areas Nutritious Food Community Assets Quality Childcare Social and Emotional Well-Being Education and Workforce Readiness Economic Well-Being Good Health Safety and Survival
Focus Areas of Work Children and Youth Planning Board9 Systems Improvement Research, Issues identification, Knowledge Development, and Data Sharing Policy and Advocacy Representation on HCR 168 and HR 171 statewide study task force Community Capacity Building Collaborations and Partnerships (EMPLOY, YouthShift and NOLA for Life) Strengthening of Positive Outcomes for Children and Youth Alignment, coordination and strategic leveraging of existing resources Support of quality programs
Momentum and Accomplishments to Date Children and Youth Planning Board10 Reorganization Staffing Support Partnership with Casey Family Programs Recipient of $30,000 infrastructure grant Designation as 1 of 13 Communities of Hope sites nationwide Collaborative Learning Cohort member Oversight of Three Task Forces Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care Juvenile Justice Data and Information Sharing Juvenile Diversion Policy for NOPD Potential Future Funding
Reflections About Our Work Children and Youth Planning Board11 Long-term commitment required Leadership must be diverse, broad, and deep Sustainability must be built in from the beginning Operations must be transparent Cross-agency learning must be fostered External and internal resources are key ingredients for sustainability and progress
The Journey Forward Children and Youth Planning Board12 Focus on Innovation and Constant Learning Demonstration project(s) planned for youth transitioning out of foster care Tracking of outcomes, costs, “what works and does not work” Youth Shift Master Plan Enhanced Partner Engagement Full Board complement, reappointment applications in process Unfilled slots Increased involvement from Orleans Parish School Board and District Attorney’s Office Funding support from City Council Dedicated funding and consistent staffing are essential to ensuring CYPB has long-term capacity
Children and Youth Planning Board13 Thank You