Developing a Part 46 Training Plan
Part 46 Includes Shell dredging Sand Gravel Surface stone Surface clay Colloidal phosphate Surface limestone mines
Who Is a Miner? Anyone who works at a mine & engaged in mining operations Includes independent contractors engaged in mining operations Construction workers exposed to mining hazards
Required Training Plan Information
1 Name of production operator or independent contractor, mine name, MSHA mine ID number or independent contractor number
2 Name & position of person responsible for health & safety training
3 General description of teaching methods, course materials, subject areas & approximate time for each subject
4 List of persons and/or organizations who provides training & subject each is competent to instruct
5 Evaluation procedures used to determine effectiveness of training
Competent Person Designated by operator Has ability, training, knowledge or experience Able to communicate & evaluate if training is effective
Who Conducts Training You may conduct your training State or federal agencies Associations Miners’ reps Consultants Manufacturers Educational institutions
Types of Training Classroom instruction Instruction at mine Interactive computer-based Hands on Any combination
Required Training New miner Newly hired experienced New task Annual refresher Site specific Contractor training
New Miner Beginning employment as a miner & who is not an experienced miner No less than 24 hours required
Before Work - 4 Hours Intro to work environment Hazard recognition & avoidance Medical, evacuation, firewarning & firefighting Health & safety of tasks Statutory rights of miners Authority & responsibility Intro to rules & reporting hazards
Within 60 Days Instruction in use, care & maintenance of self-rescue & respiratory devices (if used) Review of first aid
Within 90 Days Balance of 24 hours of training on any other subjects
Newly Hired Experienced Employed as a miner on or after October 2, 2000 who has completed new miner training Has 12 cumulative months of surface mining or equivalent experience
Before Work Intro to work environment Hazard recognition & avoidance Medical, evacuation, firewarning & firefighting Health & safety of tasks Statutory rights of miners Authority & responsibility Intro to rules & reporting hazards
Within 60 Days Instruction in use, care & maintenance of self-rescue & respiratory devices (if used)
New Task Training provided to miner who is reassigned to a new task & has no previous work experience Train in health & safety aspects & safe work procedures Before miner performs new task
Annual Refresher 8 hours No later than 12 months after miner begins work Changes at mine that could affect miners’ health or safety Other relevant health & safety topics
Other Topics HazCom Transportation controls & communication systems Escape & evacuation plans Firewarning & firefighting Hand-tools & welding Material handling
Other Topics Ground conditions & control Highwalls Water hazards Prevention of accidents Explosives Respirators Guarding Fall prevention & protection
Other Topics Haul & service trucks Front-end loaders Conveyors Cranes Crushers Excavators Dredges Maintenance & repair
Site-Specific Provided before exposed to mine hazards Info or instructions on hazards Not required for anyone accompanied at all times by experienced miner
Who Receives it Office or staff personnel Scientific workers Delivery workers Customers, including commercial over-the-road drivers Construction workers Maintenance or service workers Vendors or visitors
Independent Contractor Production-operator has responsibility for providing Site-Specific & ensures mine training has been given