August 11, 2016 An Introduction To: Help Me Grow-LA
2 Presenters MODERATOR Reena John Senior Program Officer First 5 LA MODERATOR Reena John Senior Program Officer First 5 LA Christina Altmayer Vice President of Programs First 5 LA Christina Altmayer Vice President of Programs First 5 LA Wendy Schiffer Director of Strategic Planning L.A. Care Health Plan Wendy Schiffer Director of Strategic Planning L.A. Care Health Plan
3 First 5 LA First 5 LA, in partnership with others, strengthens families, communities, and systems of services and supports so all children in L.A. County enter kindergarten ready to succeed in school and life.
4 L.A. Care’s mission is to provide access to quality health care for Los Angeles County's vulnerable and low-income communities and residents and to support the safety net required to achieve that purpose.
5 The Problem One in four children under the age of 6 are at risk for developmental, behavioral or social delays.
6 The Problem 1.Children are escaping early detection. 2.Even when needs are identified, getting connected to services is difficult for families.
7 The Problem Speech & Language Services Medical Services Occupational Therapy Vision Services Nutrition services Family Training & Counseling Social Services Home Visits Physical Therapy Nursing Services Assistive Technology Children who are identified at different levels of risk for developmental issues will need different types of services. Audiology Services
8 Help Me Grow (HMG) A system that promotes early identification and connects at-risk children to the community-based programs and services they need. Supports providers and families to promote early detection Provides a central access point for child development information and referrals Supports a coordinated system of care by creating greater access and collaboration
9 HMG’s Four Core Components 1. Child Health Provider Outreach 2. Community Outreach 4. Centralized Access Point 3. Data Collection & Analysis Organizing Entity Statewide Expansion Continuous Quality Improvement Structural Requirements
10 HMG Sample Care Coordination Flow
Development of national services Replication to 5 sites Development of national services Replication to 5 sites 11 HMG History HMG Pilot program created early growth in Connecticut HMG Pilot program created early growth in Connecticut National reach and impact First HMG replication site established in Orange County Development of a National Center Replication to 10 additional sites Development of a National Center Replication to 10 additional sites
12 HMG is A Nationwide Model Alabama Alaska California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New Jersey New York Oregon Puerto Rico South Carolina Utah Vermont Washington West Virginia Wyoming 25 National HMG Affiliates
13 California Counties are Adopting HMG Affiliates Alameda Contra Costa Fresno Orange San Bernardino San Francisco San Joaquin Santa Clara Solano Ventura Yolo Learning Communities Amador Del Norte El Dorado Humboldt Lassen Los Angeles Mendocino Merced Napa Nevada Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Mateo Sonoma Sutter Yuba Other Early Intervention Systems San Diego Other Early Intervention Systems San Diego
HMG Can Be Tailored To Local Needs Embedded in Greenville Health System Piloting HMG data collection within EPIC (Electronic Medical Record) Centralized access point/care coordination is provided statewide by the Health System HMG South Carolina Legislature appropriated $2 million to establish a HMG State Coordinating Office, a statewide infrastructure, and to launch 5 sites Fiscal agent is FL Developmental Disabilities Council 2-1-1s statewide were awarded grants to serve as regional organizing entities and to provide regional telephone access points HMG Florida FIRST 5 Santa Clara County and County Behavioral Health Services Department partnered to provide screening/early intervention, braided and leveraged funding and geographically selected community based providers Board of Supervisors launched universal developmental screening initiative in Valley Health Center clinics and other county-funded clinics poised to establish a hallmark HMG centralized information, referral, and intervention system where families are linked with needed programs and services HMG Santa Clara County, California
15 HMG Promotes Cross-Sector Partnerships County Health and Child Welfare Systems Funders and Sustainability Partners Health Care Delivery Systems (Plans, Hospitals, Clinics) AAP & Entities Training Providers Advocacy & Policy Partners Regional Centers, Resource/ Referral & Service Providers Educational/ ECE and Community- Based Organizations Evaluation and Data Collection Platforms with Access to Families Physician Champions
16 HMG 2014 National Common Indicator Results Communication Behavioral Concerns Developmental Concerns General Development Education Top Five Presenting Issues
17 HMG 2014 National Common Indicator Results Health care providers United Way 211 Early Care/education providers Community Agencies Through previous calls Community developmental screening projects Callers Most Commonly Learned About HMG Through:
18 Help Me Grow For L.A. Collects relevant data for policy and quality improvement efforts Increases awareness, outreach and education Enhances coordination and collaboration in providing care for a child Promotes developmental surveillance, screenings and early identification
19 Help Me Grow-LA: What’s Next Consultant Hired SelectionOrientation Meetings Begin Leadership Council Workgroups Gather information/ develop recommendations Organizing Entity Identified Early Phase System Develop -ment
20 For more information on Help Me Grow-LA visit our website: Help Me Grow-LA Child Health Provider Outreach Community Outreach Centralized Access Point Data Collection & Analysis
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