World Youth Day 2016
Introduction World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope which is typically celebrated every three years in a different country. WYD is open to all young people who want to take part in a festive encounter with their contemporaries centered on Jesus Christ. This event is an opportunity to experience in first person the universality of the Church; to share with the whole world the hope of many young people who want to commit themselves to Christ and others. World Youth Day is a unique way to deepen your faith and grow closer to Christ, by means of prayer and the sacraments, together with thousands of other young people who share your interests and ambitions.
This years focus This year we will reflect on the sixth beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8).
Today we are learning To explore what is meant by ‘relationship’ To consider the good things about relationships To consider what can be difficult about relationships
There are lots of different types of Relationships Examples…. » Relationships with friends » Relationships with parents In pairs, write down as many different types of relationships that you can have with other people that you can think of.
Compare your list with… Friends Families Neighbours Boyfriends/girlfriends Parents Teachers Sisters/brothers Aunts/uncles Doctors/dentists Librarians Shopkeeper Postman Lollipop man Local policeman Social worker Youth group leader ie scouts/guides Sports coach Pets Did you have any others ?
Different types of relationships Is there a difference between relationship and friendship? What are the differences?
Easy Relationships Can you think of someone who you get on really well with and you enjoy having a relationship with them What kind of things makes it an ‘easy’ relationship
Difficult Relationships Can you think of someone who you don’t get on well with and you don’t enjoy their company What kind of things makes it difficult
Romantic Relationships Can you think of someone who you are ‘attracted’ to What kind of things attracts you to that person?
Why do you think we need these kind of relationships? Romantic Relationships
We need romantic relationships for/to: Support Acceptance Emotional and physical closeness to another Love Satisfy desire Have children
Individual Activity Think of a close relationship you have with another person…it could be a friend, sister, parent etc Write down the name of this person Write down why this relationship is important to you Write down the good things about this relationship Write down anything that makes this relationship difficult at times Write down what you want from this relationship Write down anything you can give to the relationship
Class discussion Why are close relationships important What can make close relationships difficult at times Why is good communication important within a relationship What are your rights and responsibilities within a relationship
Watch this short clip friends
Key Messages There are many different types of relationships. Some relationships are easier to have than others. As we grow older, we have changing needs, which may affect the relationships we have with others. To sustain positive relationships, we require to exercise particular skills such as communication.
Let us pray Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your mercy. Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt, hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who feel indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the spark of merciful love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth. Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us. Saint John Paul II, pray for us.