Chapter 14 Reform in the Western Church, 1490–1570
Learning Objectives: Questions to Consider What motivated the leaders of church reform, whether Protestant or Catholic? What were the similarities and differences in the reform agendas of the several different Protestant reform movements and the Catholics?
Learning Objectives: Questions to Consider How did Protestant and Catholic reform reshape the religious identities of both Christians and non-Christians in western Europe and overseas? How did religious reformers, rulers, and ordinary people interact in the business of reform?
The Context of Church Reform, 1490–1517 Growing Discontent in the Western Church –Christian Humanism The Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life Pulpits and Preaching in the Parishes The Power of the Print Revolution
The Context of Church Reform, 1490–1517 God’s Wrath and Church Reform –Savonarola’s Attack on “Vanities” and Pope Alexander VI The Popular Appeal of Savonarola’s Critique Humanism and Church Reform –Erasmus and the Call for Internal Reform –The Focus on the Philosophy of Christ Sir Thomas More ( ) and Utopia
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther ( ) and His Challenge to the Church –From Troubled Monk to Professor to Reformer –The Indulgence Controversy Johannes Tetzel’s Sales in Wittenberg Questions of Salvation Concerning Grace, Works, Sacraments, and Purgatory Luther’s Attack –Justification by Faith (Romans 1:17) –The Ninety-Five Theses »The Power of Print in Dissemination of Luther’s Ideas
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation The Impact of Luther’s Challenge –The Break with Rome Condemnation by the Pope The Priesthood of All Believers The Imperial Diet at Worms, 1521 –Luther’s Refusal to Recant –Scripture Alone –Reform in Germany Multimedia Protest
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation The Spread of Reform –Urban Reformation and the Pure Gospel –Zurich and Huldrych Zwingli ( ) –Reform in the Countryside Social Revolution? The Peasants’ War, –Luther’s Condemnation of the Rebels –State-Sponsored Reform after 1525 Split and War in the Holy Roman Empire –The Peace of Augsburg, 1555 The Prince Decides
The Protestant Reformation Across Europe, 1520–1570 The Anabaptists and Radical Reform –A Sharp Separation of Church and State Dislike of Ordained Clergy Rejection of Infant Baptism –The Anabaptists in Münster, Policies: Abolishment of Private Property and Money, Introduction of Polygamy Capture by Catholic and Lutheran Rulers –Alternate Paths: Jacob Hutter ( ) and Menno Simmons ( ) Embracing Pacifism and Christian Communalism
The Protestant Reformation Across Europe, 1520–1570 John Calvin ( ) and Calvinism –Called to Protestantism Flight from France, 1535 –The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536 Theology of Salvation: Double Predestination and the Elect –Theory into Practice: Geneva and the Consistory
The Protestant Reformation Across Europe, 1520–1570 The Spread of Calvinism –France and the Netherlands Female Agency: Jeanne d’Albret ( ) The Powerful Huguenot Minority in France Growing Religious Conflicts in the Netherlands –Scotland John Knox ( ) and the Introduction of Calvinism Presbyterian Administration
The Protestant Reformation Across Europe, 1520–1570 Reform in England –Henry VIII’s Break with Rome Royal Supremacy, Traditional Theology –Edward VI (r ) The Book of Common Prayer –England’s Short-Lived Return to Rome The Reign of “Bloody Mary” (r ) –Elizabeth I (r ) and the Church of England Blended Theology: the Thirty-Nine Articles
Catholic Reform, 1500–1570 Reform by Religious Orders –Teresa of Ávila ( ) The Carmelites –The Capuchins –The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Founder: Ignatius of Loyola ( ) –Spiritual Exercises and Meditation Jesuits and Education
Catholic Reform, 1500–1570 Reform in the Papacy –Pope Paul III (r ) The Search for Conformity –The Inquisition and the Index of Prohibited Books –The Council of Trent ( ) Countering Protestantism, Reforming Within Training the Clergy: Seminaries –Carlo Borromeo ( ) in Milan The Tradition for Reforming Bishops
Catholic Reform, 1500–1570 Catholic Missions Overseas –The Americas Disagreement over Conversion Strategies –Resistance and Accommodation –Japan Francis Xavier ( ) –China Matteo Ricci ( )
Reformation and Society, 1517–1570 Educating the Young and Literacy –Protestant Catechism and the Lord’s Prayer –Catholic Prayers: Hail Mary Prioritizing Male Education: Piarists –The Problem of Poverty and Poor Relief Lutheran Theory and Practice –Rejecting Good Works, Calling for State Responsibility Catholic Theory and Practice –Juan Luis Vives ( ) and Diversity of Strategies Calvinist Theory and Practice –State Taxes of the Rich for the Benefit of the Poor
Reformation and Society, 1517–1570 Family Life –Protestant Ideas about Marriage From Sacrament to Social Institution –Opportunities and Limits for Women –Catholic Reform –Popular Reaction Jews and Reformation –Hostility and Confinement Ghettos