Kindergarten Back to School Night Ms. Erhart, Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Hernandez & Ms. Kwortnik
Focus on Social-Emotional Learning Mutual Respect Attentive Listening Right to Pass No Put Downs “I-Messages” Bucket Fillers Four Agreements
Growth Mindset * Mindset is a simple idea that makes all the difference * We promote a growth mindset by: - Emphasizing dedication and hard work - Modeling a love of learning - Encouraging parents to support us “I can’t do it….yet!”
Balanced Literacy Guided Reading Shared Reading Independent Reading Sight Word Practice Phonics and sight word Spelling program Students need to be reading 10 minutes Monday- Thursday Daily 5 Reading
Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing Daily 5
* Teacher models writing process * Students write personal narratives of their choice * Teacher publishes student writing * Students share writing with their classmates Writing
* CGI (word problems – students find their own strategy to solve problem) * Practice counting to 100 and skip counting by 10’s * Small group math activities and games (including SMART board games) Math
Math Scales
Integrated throughout our curriculum Study trips reinforce these concepts while exposing kids to real-life experiences Hands-on science activities STEM Fair: science projects plus math and technology booths and activities Social Studies/Science
Red shirt and khaki pants Bring or preorder a sack lunch Parents must drive themselves (may not ride the bus) – siblings may not attend Child must ride with parents when chaperoning to free up space on the bus Will inform parents about upcoming trips and costs in newsletter Parents must have turned in a background check to chaperone Study Trips
Reading: 10 minutes Monday-Thursday Spelling: learn two spelling words a week - spell/read on Friday Check red folders daily and initial behavior calendar (Please look for special assignments and notes) Optional Monthly Choice Board: students may complete activities to support in-class learning and to reinforce responsibility and time management Homework
Student Birthdays * Let your child’s teacher know if you are planning on bringing treats (check with teacher about class allergies) Drop the treats off in the morning or bring them to school at 3:00 (sign in at front office) No goody bags or drinks, please Bring invitations for entire class
Please tell your teacher if you are interested in helping as a homeroom parent. These parents will help with classroom parties, recruiting volunteers for school events such as Fall Fest and the Fun Run, etc. Each family is expected to volunteer 20 hours of their time per school year. These can be fulfilled by chaperoning study trips, helping in or out of class, and volunteering at school functions. Please log your hours in the office. Homeroom Parents/Volunteering
We have 2 snacks per day: morning and afternoon. Your child may bring a snack from home. We also are always in need of class snack donations. Breakfast and lunches need to be pre-ordered online a week in advance. (Example: Meals for the week of August 22 nd must be ordered by Sunday, August 14 th.) You will use to order meals and add money to your child’s account. You can also pay cash or check in person to the cafeteria staff. Snacks and Lunch