Service Management in Brazilian NREN Terena Network Conference 2012 (TNC2012) Reykjavik - Iceland 23/05/2012 Antônio Carlos Fernandes Nunes Leandro Marcos de Oliveira Guimarães Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP
Agenda Brief information about RNP RNP Infrastructure Service Management in RNP Conclusion
RNP organization 3 Founded in 1989 by an initiative of Ministry of Science & Technology with the purpose to create a National Academic Internet Infrastructure; Not-profit Civil organization qualified as Social Organization by Brazilian Government in 2002; Association with universities, research centres, federal agencies and technology companies; Plans and operates of Educational network (Ipê Network) what includes work together with local governments to create optical networks with and for our customers; Develops advanced network services on behalf of Education, Research, Culture and Health; Provides support for national and international collaborations for specific user communities; Provides testbed facilities for R&D in networking and distributed applications; Provides training in ICT through an extensive portfolio of courses.
Interministerial Program 4 – More than 800 connected Institutions (Universities, research centres, technical schools, museums, libraries and government agencies) and more than 3.5 millions users*. – Political Governance: Political Board RNP MEC - Ministry of Education; MCTI – Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; MinC – Ministry of Culture; MS – Ministry of Health. – Administrative Governance : Administrative Board RNP MEC, MCT, SBC**, LARC***, PoP, affiliates, users * Estimative ** Brazilian Computer Society *** Network Architecture Lab
Agenda Brief information about RNP RNP Infrastructure Service Management in RNP Conclusion
RNP infrastructure Agreement with local telco Oi, brokered by regulatory agency; 3 and 10 Gbps reaching 24 of 27 capitals, including the nation’s capital; Hybrid architecture, supporting routed IP and end-to-end circuit traffic; Optical metropolitan networks to provide adequate access to the multigigabit backbone: Usually built and owned by RNP; Use 1 or 10 GE transport and permit interconnection of the campi of the participating institutions, and access to RNP’s backbone (RedeIpê). 6
Agenda Brief information about RNP RNP Infrastructure Service Management in RNP Conclusion
Service Management Directory Created and structured in 2009/2010 on the context of RNP’s Organizational Change Program (PMOrg-RNP); Strategic develops and manager the service portfolio and lifecycle, providing the client’s needs, aggregating value to them, aligning to new technological tendencies and innovations; The services offered by RNP to their user organizations are the result of innovation and prospecting processes, analysis of scenarios and tendencies activities with partners such as academy, the business sector and main worldwide academic networks; The main benefits of RNP’s services are to facilitate and to promote communication, distance collaboration and knowledge dissemination; Information about the services offered by RNP to their user organizations and special customers and strategic communities are consolidated in the Service Catalog. 8
9 Service Management Directory – where?
Service Management Director Service Manager ICT Specialists and Analysts Trainees Service Project Manager Business Support Service Management Directory - structure 10
Service Catalog - classification Communication and collaboration; Digital content delivery; Identity management; Strategic hosting; Academic network support. 11
Service Catalog - services Communication and collaboration: – (VoIP); – Telepresence; – Videoconference; – Web Conference. Digital content delivery: – Internet TV Broadcast; – On demand video; – Video Streaming; – (Videoclasses). Identity management: – eduroam (*) ; – Federation CAFe; – ICPEdu (PKI Service). Strategic hosting: – Internet Data Center. Academic network support: – Federal Internet Exchange (FIX/PTTMetro de Brasília). (*) In 2012 the RNP is modeling and structuring to offer the eduroam service, integrating Latin America with Europe, in the first step. 12
13 Service Catalog
14 Service Catalog - integrated with others initiatives in the world
15 Model based on service management good practices (ITIL ® V3); Adapted to the RNP’s needs. Service Lifecycle Management ® IT Infrastructure Library® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Cabinet Office
Service Lifecycle Management development process ITIL Books ITIL Service Strategy ITIL Service Transition ITIL Service Operation ITIL Continual Service Improvement ITIL Service Design 16
Service Lifecycle Management development process Service Management Service Operation Continual Service Improvement 17
Service Management Service Lifecycle Management development process 23 processes!! 18
Service Management Service Lifecycle Management development process Service Operation 2 Macro processes but still 23 processes!! 2 Macro processes but still 23 processes!! 19
Service Management Service Lifecycle Management development process Service Operation Capacity Management Service Level Management Portfolio Management Change Management Monitoring and Customer Service Management 2 Macro processes and 7 processes!! 2 Macro processes and 7 processes!! 20
21 Prospecting Consolidation and dissemination Tendency Management Process: Subprocess: Service Management Demand technique analysis Information consolidation and demand feasibility analisys Demand Management Portfolio Management Availability Management Service level Management Modeling Update and dissemination Plans generation and revision Service level formalization Service measuring
Service Catalog inputs 22 Service LifecycleServices Availability and Service level Mgt Tendency Analysis Demand Analysis Portfolio Mgt Working groups CustomersPartnersGovernment Service Catalog Inputs
23 Tendency Management NRENsAcademyPartnersCustomersOthers
Approved Prototypes Prototype (year 1) 24 Working groups cycle
Approved Pilots Pilot (year 2) 25 Working groups cycle
Experimental Service (year 3) 26 Working groups cycle Service Modeling DemandPortfolioContinuity Service Level Approved Experimental Services
New Services modeling, structuring and implantation/ Services improvement, increase Demands and needs analysis (demand-pull) Prospecting and tendency analysis (technology-push) Service Catalog Experimental Service Service Portfolio Management 27
28 Registry, planning and authorization Communication and execution Change Management Process: Subprocess: Service Operation and Customer Service Monitoring and Customer Service Management Customer service Service monitoring Conclusion Problem analysis and resolution
Change Management Registry, Planning and authorization Communication and execution Conclusion 29
A relevância do suporte técnico local das instituições clientes 1º level (ServiceDesk) 2º level IT Team and Partners Local responsible Monitoring and Customer Service Management
Agenda Brief information about RNP RNP Infrastructure Service Management in RNP Conclusion
32 Conclusion This presentation introduced the current stage of the structuring and implementation of the Service Management model in the Brazilian academic network. This model suggests how other networks may also benefit in the processes of services structuring offered for their institutions. The full implementation is expected to be completed by the end of Full article:
More informations About RNP: – About RNP Services –
34 Informations in English (folder)
35 Antônio Carlos Fernandes Nunes Service Management Director - RNP Leandro Marcos de Oliveira Guimarães Service Manager - RNP QUESTIONS? THANK YOU!