Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Methods Process Analysis and Improvement
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Systems Engineering Management Needs, Problems, Opportunities Design Specifications Requirements Performance Data, Observations Analysis Design Implementation Operation Evaluation Material Energy Information Products Services Machines Processes People System
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process “Succession of things in order; sequence; progression.” OED
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Representation Representation Common Representations Used in Process Analysis and Improvement Flow process chart Assembly Process Chart Process map Value stream map IDEF0 model
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Representation Definition Key to problem solving Types of representations – speech – text – table – picture/diagram – physical model – mathematical formula (model) – computer model – graphical model
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Flow Process Chart Source: Rago (1963)
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Assembly Process Chart Source: Groover (2007)
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Map Typical Symbols Activit y, proces s Decisio n Documen t Flow(materia l,informatio n ) Repetition (Unti l,Whil e, For each ) Repeated activitie s Terminator (Begi n,En d )
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Map Receive order Check order Verify availabi lity Retrieve from inventory Deliver to customer Place on back order Yes No Collect payment End transaction
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Map: Inspection
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Map: Inspection (detail)
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Map: Pharmaceutical R&D Source: Overman (2007)
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Value Stream Map C/T=1sec C/O=1hour Uptime=85% 27,600 sec. av. EPE=2weeks I 200 T Stamping 4600L 2400R Michigan Steel Co. Weekly Tues.+ Thurs. Weld changeover Process Outside Sources Data Box InventoryTruck Shipment Push Arrow Finished Goods to Customer Supermarket Operator Kaizen Burst Manual Information Flow Electronic Information Flow Schedule Informal Visual Control Production Kanban Withdrawal Kanban Signal Kanban Post VSM Icons
C/T=1sec C/O=1hour Uptime=85% 27,600 sec. av. EPE=2weeks I 200 T Stamping 4600L 2400R Michigan Steel Co. Weekly Tues.+ Thurs. Weld changeover Process Outside Sources Data Box InventoryTruck Shipment Push Arrow Finished Goods to Customer Supermarket Operator Kaizen Burst Manual Information Flow Electronic Information Flow Schedule Informal Visual Control Production Kanban Withdrawal Kanban Signal Kanban Post
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering VSM Example Source: P. Magnier, “The Lean Enterprise / Value Stream Mapping”, steps to VSM.pdf, accessed 1 Oct 09.
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0 Example
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0 Process Decomposition A0
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0 Process Decomposition
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0 Process Decomposition A0 A3
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering IDEF0 Process Decomposition
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Another IDEF0 Example
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Another IDEF0 Example
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Identifying Problems and Opportunities Ad hoc methods Checklists Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Improvement Checklist From Process Analysis and Improvement, by Seppanen et al (2005) Cost reduction, e.g., – Which steps cost the most? Why? – Which steps add value and which do not? – What are the causes of cost in this process? Cycle Time Reduction, e.g., – Which steps consume the most time? Why? – Which steps add value and which do not? – Which steps are redundant, bottlenecks, add complexity? – Which steps result in delays, storage, unnecessary movement? Quality Improvement, e.g., – How can variation be reduced? – Is variation due to common or special causes? – What variables must be managed to achieve quality?
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Improvement Checklist (1) From Work Systems, by Mikell Groover (2007) Questions Related to Processing Operations – What is the purpose of each processing operation? – Is the processing operation necessary? – Can operations be eliminated, combined, or simplified? – Is the operation time too high? – Could the processing operation be automated? – Where else could this be performed to reduce move distances?
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Improvement Checklist (2) Questions Related to Inspection Operations – What is the purpose of the inspection operation? – Is the inspection operation necessary? – Can the inspection operation be combined with the previous processing operation? – Could 100% inspection be replaced with sampling inspection? – Could the inspection operation be automated? Questions Relating to Moves – How could moves be shortened or eliminated by combining or eliminating operations? – Could the items to be moved be batched to reduce trips? – Could the moves be mechanized or automated? – Could the operations sequence be changed to reduce move distances?
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Improvement Checklist (3) Questions Relating to Delays – What is the reason for the delay? Can the reason be eliminated? – Is the delay avoidable? – Why can’t the next operation be started immediately? Questions Relating to Storage – Is the storage necessary? – Why can’t the item(s) be moved immediately to the next operation? – Can just-in-time delivery be used to eliminate storage?
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 1. Describe process (or product!) and its function. 2. Model the process (e.g., process map, IDEF0,...) 3. List the detailed subprocesses. 4. For each subprocess, identify potential failure modes. 5. For each failure mode, identify its causes, contributing factors describe its effects estimate severity of its consequences (S) estimate its probability of occurrence (P) estimate its (non-) detectability (D) calculate its Risk Priority Number = S x P x D 11. Prioritize failure modes by RPNs. 12. Determine recommended actions, requirements for improvements.
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering FMEA Example NextGen Flight Deck Errors/Issues
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Process Analysis and Improvement Systems Engineering Process Process Representation The Process Analysis and Improvement Process 1.Model “as-is”(current state) process 2.Identify problems/opportunities 3.Model/Design “to-be” (future state) process 4.Implement and test 5.Repeat, as necessary
Open minds. Open doors. TM School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering Systems Engineering Management Needs, Problems, Opportunities Design Specifications Requirements Performance Data, Observations Analysis Design Implementation Operation Evaluation Material Energy Information Products Services Machines Processes People System