Transition Towns ● Develop Peak Oil Policy ● Adopt Oil Depletion Protocol ● Raise awareness
Why Transition Towns Exists Dealing with the impact of peak oil & climate change at the local level Peak Oil - rising price of: Freight, food, asphalt, plastics, cosmetics, pharmacueticals, energy, paint, building materials, fertiliser, pesticide - everything. Climate change – uncertainty: Farming practises, coastal real estate, water, housing, energy sources, lifestyle
Peak Oil
Food Security Price rises, availability drops Average western diet: 7 calories of energy => 1 calorie of food Most of the input energy is fossil fuel. Having less oil occurs in our lifetime. Living with almost no oil is our kids future. Many farm inputs are made from crude oil.
Food Security – Transition Towns ● Make every household a farm ● Grow local, Buy local ● 100Km dinners ● Permablitz ● Web network ● Seed Savers ● Sapphire Coast Producers Association ● Farmers Markets ● Community Gardens ● Regional food cluster
Nardy House Permablitz
Wendy's house
James & Mary's house
Danielle's house
100 Km dinners
Develop a Peak Oil Policy Less Oil, Less Energy Peak Oil Policy, Peak Oil Action Plan and Contingency Plan from Maribyrnong council. "Redefining Prosperity" from Bloomington (Indiana, USA) Peak Oil task force. Transition Towns offers help on informing council and working with council on Peak Oil policy.
Oil Depletion Protocol – Asphalt "In the 3 months from July to October [[2005]], the price of liquid asphalt, a petroleum product, jumped 73% from $195 per ton to $338 per ton in California." Cause: reduced crude availability due to 2 cyclones and a refinery problem; and associated crude oil price rise. What happens post peak oil ??
Oil Depletion Protocol – Personal Car pooling Reduce car usage Long life products (not plastic) Repairable products Give up whipper-snipper Use muscles 100% Green power Solar panels Live on less Grow own food Build & sell solar dryers
Adopt the Oil Depletion Protocol reduce oil consumption by almost 3% per year. US report suggests Peak Oil by 2012 and by 2015 crude oil production will be 10 million barrels/day short of demand.
Awareness Raising - TT Community awareness talks ● Wyndham ● Cann River ● Cobargo ● Batemans Bay ● Bermagui ●... over 30 places Spawned groups: ● Transition Triangle plus ● Transition Canberra ● Transition Brogo ● Transition Braidwood ● Training ● 2 day "Training for Transition"
Library Materials
Help Raise Awareness ● Internal to council, raise awareness of Peak Oil ● Understand the psychological and economic barries to change ● Discuss Less Oil, Less Energy
What now ? ● Develop Peak Oil Policy ● Adopt Oil Depletion Protocol ● Raise awareness