Coordinating Council Friends of Scouting Training 2016 1 For Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


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Presentation transcript:

Coordinating Council Friends of Scouting Training For Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

A Prophet’s Voice “May you uphold Scouting’s tradition, for it can be as a lighthouse beacon in the world of stormy seas, it can be a motivation to prepare for your role in life, it can be a yardstick against which you measure your accomplishments.” - Pres. Thomas S. Monson 2

Duty to God 3 “It is far better to build boys than to mend men.”-Pres. Thomas S. Monson Elder Holland Tells National Scout Leaders Duty to God Is a Way of Life

More than Just Friends of Scouting The Friends of Scouting campaign can be much more than just raising money for a good cause. Consider the following when visiting with donors: -Promote Scouting – Spread the good word of how Scouting helps prepare young men for missions and to become good husbands and fathers by instilling in them life skills, community service, and duty to God. -Invite non-LDS Youth – Seek out less active young men or non-LDS young men who can potentially be invited to join scouting. Scouting can be the best missionary and retention tool for the Young Men’s program. -Clean up Ward Records – This can be a great opportunity to see who has moved out or into the ward. This is a great way to visit with less active or non members. 4

Direction Given by the Church “The Church supports Friends of Scouting as a separate voluntary solicitation. Every member of every ward should be offered the opportunity to contribute to Friends of Scouting.” -Scouting & The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 11 “The Church supports the BSA’s annual Friends of Scouting drive. These funds provide financial support for the local BSA council. Stake presidents and bishops oversee the drive in their units.” -Scouting Handbook for Church Units in the United States, 2015 Edition, § % of FOS donations stay in the Utah South area 5

General Instruction & Assignments Received from Area Authority Seventy You have received via or in your ward packet of instructions. As directed by your stake president and bishop please follow the instructions. Let’s take a closer look at these instructions. 6

Utilize It is expected that each ward and stake utilize the online FOS management system Stakes will be able to: Manage closely their campaign progress See donors and donations as they are made Set-up user accounts as needed Set-up ward goals Wards will be able to: Update donor records See past donations received Create and manage donor routes Print extra donor cards Enter cash and check donations received Create deposit slips and take donations to the bank 7

Overview of Steps to using the Online FOS System – Patch Funding 1.Go to: & Click on “My Account” 2.Enter your Username & Password (on front of your ward packet) 3.Remove donors who have moved 4.Add new donors 5.Set up/manage routes 6.Print extra donor cards 7.Educate & train ward FOS workers 8.Give every household in the ward an opportunity to donate 9.Upon receiving cash & check donations, log them into the online system For more specific information on the patchfunding system & how to log donations go to 8

Educate & Train Ward FOS Workers 9 Each Ward FOS Worker should: Know how to use the URL code system Be able to use the Donor Cards Conduct a successful Friends of Scouting drive by providing every individual and family with an opportunity to financially contribute to Friends of Scouting Be familiarized with and use FOS materials provided For more info go to:

Provide Every Individual and Family an Opportunity to Financially Contribute 10 The “Pitch” -Why Scouting? Explain how Scouting impacts our youth, adults, and community. Bear testimony or share a good story. The “Price” -The cost of Scouting. Explain why donating is important and how donations are spent. Cost is $100 per Scout per year. The “Pledge” -The invitation to donate. Show the methods of how they can donate and invite them to support one Scout for a year or $10 per month. NOTE: Checks should be made out to: Utah National Parks Council

The Door Approach with a Smart Phone 11 In order to save the ward time in individual entries and bank deposits, donations can be processed immediately. Entries to the new online FOS system can be made as donations. They are collected by using the URL code located on the donor card. If collected this way no further work is required at the ward level. Steps to URL Code Door Approach 1.Type into any web browser the donor’s unique[donor code] from printed cards. 2.While wearing church attire or a Scout Uniform, invite them to donate following the Pitch, Price, & Pledge format. 3.Enter their donation into the donation screen loaded on your smart phone. Follow instructions on the screen. You can do credit cards, e-check, cash, check, etc.

Pledge Types 12 Limited Pledge: Single or limited number. Single payment is for one payment. Limited number pledge limits your payments to the same amount for 12 months Ongoing Pledge: This option will continue until donor adjusts pledge amount

Log into Go to: unpc.patchfunding.c om Click on “My Account” to get to the log-in screen. 13

Enter Username & Password Enter your Username and password that you should have received either from your Stake or your Scouting Professional found on the front of each ward packet. 14

The Ward FOS Dashboard LDS First Ward Welcome to your Dashboard Fundraising Target This is a monetary goal, a green bar will appear indicating your progress. FOS Checklist You will want to tick the box for everything you have completed so the Stake knows your progress. Stats This box will show you current and past years’ donation history. Click on a year to see more detail. 15

The Ward FOS Dashboard Cont. 16 LDS First Ward Remember – All households should have a meaningful face-to-face opportunity to donate. Prospecting Tool This page will give you access to the list of donors, their contact information and giving history. There is also a phone script for you to use when you are ready for campaign clean-up, for those who were not able to have a face to face ask. Payments To log donations you’ve received click on “Log donations”

The Ward FOS Dashboard Cont. 17 LDS First Ward Tool Box -Add a Donor Record: You will need the first/last name, address and phone # to add a new record. -Print Donor Cards: This will create a PDF document of donor cards for every donor on your roster. -Print Blank Donor Card: This will create a PDF document with 3 blank cards for new donors not on your roster.

The Ward FOS Dashboard Cont. 18 LDS First Ward Tool Box Cont. -Import Prospect List: This option will allow you to mass import donors from a properly formatted excel spreadsheet. Further instructions are given after you click on this option. -Check for Duplicates: The system will automatically detect any duplicates you may import then merge them. You can manually check for duplicates it did not merge and you can merge them yourself. -Manage Routes: Here you can create new routes and assign donors to them. Name the new route and drag unaccociated donors into the new route or previous routes created.

Update Donor Records 19 Updating Donor Records Selecting “Donors” from the top of the page will take you to this screen. It lists all donors on record and allows you to sort them by category. Compare your Ward’s Member Records with the Records of this roster. Your ward roster can be downloaded from or through LDS Tools. REMEMBER – All households should have an opportunity to contribute. Remove Donors – Any donors who have moved out of your ward can be disassociated with your ward’s donor records by clicking on “Gone” to the right of their personal info. Add New Donors – This can be done from your main dashboard page by clicking on “Add a Donor Record” in the Tool Box.

Set Up & Manage Routes 20 Create New Routes / Manage Old Routes To create a new route: Click on “Manage Routes”. Click on a route number, name it, then save. From the “No Route” list, click then drag the names of the individuals you want to be in the routes you created. Continue the above steps to create more routes. You can drag names to any route you created and between other routes. Donors who you remove from your donor roster should no longer appear here. Any new people you added will need to be assigned a route. Once you have managed your routes you can print the cards by route! (see next slide)

Print Extra Donor Cards 21 To Print donor Cards Select “Donors” at the top of the page. Before selecting your action click on “Route” to sort your donors by their route you assigned them. Check/Uncheck the box to the left of their name to select them to print. Print Donor Cards Donor cards are the preferred method. Donor will receive an instant tax receipt if their is in this system. Keep cards to help reconcile donations upon finishing. Select “Print Donor Cards”. Then click “Do It”. It will create a PDF with the donors you selected.

Donor Cards 22 Donor cards are best used when you are talking with members in a group setting or door to door and can hand them pre-filled cards or new cards to fill out and collect. This will provide them with an receipt if it is in the system.

Donor Recognition Keeper of the Flame 23

Log Donations into the System 24 LDS First Ward Logging Donations -Click on the Current Year’s Campaign or “Log donations” to access the list of donors and enter their donations NOTE: Any electronic donations made online via the unique URL Code will already be logged and you don’t have to do any more with them. More online and electronic donations means less work for you!

Log Donations into the System Cont. 25 LDS First Ward To add a new donation, click on “Add A Donation” for the donor. The Add a Donation box will pop up (see below). Enter their dollar amount, the frequency of the donation and the type, Credit Card, E- check, Cash or Check. If they choose to do an electronic monthly donation and want to donate $120 for the year, you would enter their amount at $10, Monthly, then enter their CC or E- check info. Double check your entry is accurate then click “save”.

Reconcile/Total Donations 26 LDS First Ward Deposit Available After you have entered in your collected donations for the day, click on “Unit Dashboard” at the top left to get back to your home screen. You will notice a new box has appeared “Deposit Available” Click on the “Friends of Scouting” in the Deposit Available box to begin the Reconciliation process.

Reconcile/Total Donations Cont. 27 ”Create a new deposit” Screen It is on this screen you will see all the donations you have entered but not yet deposited. Count all your checks and cash and make sure their totals match what is shown on this page. You may have to scroll down to see the Check totals.

Reconcile/Total Donations Cont. 28 ”Create a new deposit” Screen After you have reconciled and totaled the Cash and Checks you will be depositing, you will now create the deposit slip. Select the “Also Deposited By” box and select a username other than the one you are logged into. There should be one that says BSA(Your Unit #). Select that one. Next Select the Bank you wish to deposit the donations into. (Zions, State Bank, Wells Fargo, Cache Valley & Bank of American Fork). Click “Create Deposit” when you are finished. NOTE: You will NOT be creating any kind of new bank account but will be depositing your donations directly into one of Utah National Parks Council’s bank accounts. Check this step

Print Deposit Slip from Dashboard 29 LDS First Ward Deposits Created Once the deposit is created a new box will appear on your Dashboard called “Deposits Created”. All the deposits you created will appear here. You will download your deposit slips from here. Check this step

Deposit #: 791 Unit: LDS First Ward – 1701 Subdistrict: First Stake Deposit Slip & Endorsing Checks 30 The printed deposit slip will look similar to this. Cut the excess off the bottom of the deposit slip. NOTE: Your Unit (Ward) & Subdistrict (Stake) information will show on the deposit slip. The cash and check totals will also be present. This information will be helpful to the bank and to the Council to be able to link this deposit with your wards online FOS account in Patch Funding. Endorsing Checks A stamp is not available to you to endorse checks made out to the Utah National Parks Council. So, you will need to write on the back of each check: For Deposit Only Utah National Parks Council (#Account Number) Account Number (To write on back of checks and bank bags) Check this step

Prepare Donations, Bank Bag & Take Bank Bag to the Bank 31 Write the appropriate information on the bag. To: [Name of Bank on deposit slip] Utah National Parks Council BSA From: [Your Ward Name] [Your Stake Name] Account: [The account # on the Deposit Slip] Cash Amount $: [Total Cash on Deposit Slip] Check Amount $: [Total Check on Deposit Slip] Prepared By: [The name of the person who prepared the deposit] Cell Phone number: [The number of the person who prepared the deposit] Date: [The date you’re making the deposit] Authorized Signature: [Signature of the person who prepared the deposit] When complete take the bank bag to the appropriate bank on the same day if possible.

Finishing Up Your FOS Campaign 32 1.All collected donations need to be entered online. We encourage you to use Smart Phone donations as much as possible to reduce the time necessary to complete this process. 2.Donations need to be batched online, prepared, then taken to the bank by your ward, within 24 hours of receipt of donation (treat similarly to tithing funds). 3.Report to the Stake when FOS Campaign is complete. Remember your campaign is not complete until each individual and family has been given an opportunity to contribute. It is discouraged that wards take FOS donations directly to the Council Service Center. Their donations should be entered into the online FOS system and then taken to the bank.

Gratitude in All Things 33 “To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven.” - Pres. Thomas S. Monson