INTRODUCTION The term Human Resources is used for the individuals who work in a firm Human Resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved in the affairs of the organization.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT "People are our most valuable asset" "People are our most valuable asset" The ultimate aim of the function is to: "ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs", The ultimate aim of the function is to: "ensure that at all times the business is correctly staffed by the right number of people with the skills relevant to the business needs", Failure in not having a carefully crafted human resources management strategy, can and probably will lead to failures in the business process itself Failure in not having a carefully crafted human resources management strategy, can and probably will lead to failures in the business process itself
DEFINITION HRM is that it is the process of managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. This covers the fields of staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and perks setting and management, performance management, change management HRM is that it is the process of managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. This covers the fields of staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and perks setting and management, performance management, change management Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
HRM Human Resource Management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management, which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the maintenance of better human relations in the organization by the development, application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives. Human Resource Management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management, which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the maintenance of better human relations in the organization by the development, application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives.
SHORT DEFINITION It may be defined as the art of procuring developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner. It may be defined as the art of procuring developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner.
Nature of HRM Pervasive force:. It is present in all enterprises. It permeates all levels of management in organizations Pervasive force:. It is present in all enterprises. It permeates all levels of management in organizations Action oriented: The problems of employees at work solved through rational policies. Action oriented: The problems of employees at work solved through rational policies. Individually oriented: It tries to help employees develop their potential fully. It encourages them to give their best to the organizations. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection, training and development coupled with fair wage policies. Individually oriented: It tries to help employees develop their potential fully. It encourages them to give their best to the organizations. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection, training and development coupled with fair wage policies. People oriented: HRM is all about people at work both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results. People oriented: HRM is all about people at work both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.
Contd., Future oriented: Helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well motivated employees. Development oriented: HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. The reward structure is tuned to the needs of employees. Training is offered to sharpen and improve their skills. Employees are rotated on various jobs so that they gain experience and exposure. Development oriented: HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. The reward structure is tuned to the needs of employees. Training is offered to sharpen and improve their skills. Employees are rotated on various jobs so that they gain experience and exposure. Integrating mechanism: HRM tries to build and maintain cardinal relations between people working at various levels in the organization. Integrating mechanism: HRM tries to build and maintain cardinal relations between people working at various levels in the organization.
Contd., Comprehensive functions: HRM is to some extent concerned with any organizational decision which has an impact on the workforce or the potential workforce. Comprehensive functions: HRM is to some extent concerned with any organizational decision which has an impact on the workforce or the potential workforce. Auxiliary service: HR departments exist to assist an advice the line or operating managers to do their personnel work more effectively. HR manager is a specified advisor. Auxiliary service: HR departments exist to assist an advice the line or operating managers to do their personnel work more effectively. HR manager is a specified advisor. Inter disciplinary function: HRM is a multi disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, sociology, economics etc. Inter disciplinary function: HRM is a multi disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, sociology, economics etc. Continuous functions: It cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one day a week. It requires a constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every day operations. Continuous functions: It cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one day a week. It requires a constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every day operations.
SCOPE OF HRM Personnel aspect: This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer promotion, training ad development lay off and retrenchment remuneration incentives productivity etc Personnel aspect: This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer promotion, training ad development lay off and retrenchment remuneration incentives productivity etc Welfare aspect: It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, crèches rest and lunch room housing transport medical assistance education, healthy and safety recreation facilities etc Welfare aspect: It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, crèches rest and lunch room housing transport medical assistance education, healthy and safety recreation facilities etc Industrial relations aspects: This covers union management relations joint consultation collective bargaining grievances and disciplinary procedures settlement of disputes etc. Industrial relations aspects: This covers union management relations joint consultation collective bargaining grievances and disciplinary procedures settlement of disputes etc.
OBJECTIVES OF HRM To help the organization reach its goals. To help the organization reach its goals. To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources. To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources. To ensure respect for human beings. To ensure respect for human beings. To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals. To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals. To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization. To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization. To achieve and maintain high morale among employees. To achieve and maintain high morale among employees. To provide the organization with well-trained and well- motivated employees. To provide the organization with well-trained and well- motivated employees.
Contd., To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization. To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization. To develop and maintain a quality of work life. To develop and maintain a quality of work life. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society. To develop overall personality of each employee To develop overall personality of each employee To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job. To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job. To equip the employees with precision and clarity in transaction of business. To equip the employees with precision and clarity in transaction of business. To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collaboration. To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collaboration.