A classification
Take down key words in a word cloud
3 ways of thinking about Online Pedagogy 1. Personal study and learning journeys not necessarily learning in a group may not have a defined start and stop time - any time, any place may feel like a written conversation (like modules) may look like a tutorial or set of instructions may deliver a great deal of content in a didactic model often using media effectively.
3 ways of thinking about it 2. Collaborative learning learning in a group where your participation adds to your learning and that of others is scaffolded through a series of activities which you do with others using collaborative tools is usually facilitated by a teacher, moderator or guide may result in individual or group products is usually recorded for people to use and for an external audience to read the C of ICT (Communication Technology) is exploited so people can “talk” together learning is often more constructivist in nature. Note: You have considerable experience of this as a learner. Your challenge is now to build collaborative learning activities in online environments for your students.
3 ways of thinking about it 3. Network learning learning is not delivered to you, but rather you reach out to build learning episodes for yourself you draw on people in your professional network for knowledge rather than use published information only you contribute to your network with a pay-it- forward attitude you ask questions of your network in a just in time strategy
Online learning Personal study and learning journeys Collaborative learning Network learning Describe your own learning style or preference
Begin with what you know The keys are that good pedagogy underpins good learning however it is delivered and that a clear philosophy about how children learn in your domains of study will guide your decision making. Good designs need at least A good interesting and engaging curriculum/activity idea A good interpretation of the curriculum that translates into a sequence of learning activities A clear pedagogical approach underpinned by a theoretical perspective
Begin with what you know Good designs need at least A clear pedagogical approach underpinned by a theoretical perspective Clear outcomes – what will students do and how will they demonstrate what they have learned? Good instruction – will students know what to do? Resources to support quality learning, deep thinking, clear communication and a strong memory of what was learned and how it was learned A learning pathway that enables students to perhaps learn in different ways at different speeds, especially special needs students
Gilly Salmon model for e-moderating
Inquiry-based learning Challenge –based learning Information literacy Social investigations Historical inquiry Scientific inquiry etc
Homework For the week Skim the online learning module to fill in gaps and review ideas Use ideas to flesh out your group idea or a curriculum idea for online learning Look at the PLN part of the ramble – well done Before next week Form a digital citizenship curriculum idea for Assignment 2 Develop your e-portfolio core info and make one page for Assign 2 part 2.
Each group (assignment groups ) Select a folder of ideas Assign three roles - reader, presenter, scribe Unpack your pedagogical idea and prepare a 5 minute presentation about the idea One person (presenter) stays in place and everybody else goes shopping for ideas. Go to different places and see if you get all 12 ideas to bring back to your group. 10 minute rounds.
Using Strategies online Collaborative strategies Jigsaw Hot Potato Think pair share Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? On a voice or text chat, forum/blog etc ? Would it be helpful to use these strategies f to f and then your class goes online? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance What are a couple good curriculum ideas? Background Interactive learning using online tools requires design to initiate activity, keep it going, involve all learners and engage in deep thinking. FtoF strategies might be a good starting point for ideas. Also draw on your experiences as an online student. What strategies and what tools come together to help people learn cooperatively? Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 1
Using Strategies online Creative thinking strategies Y charts SCAMPER PCR: publish, circle, refine Word association Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? On a voice or text chat, forum/blog etc ? Would it be helpful to use these strategies f to f and then your class goes online? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Interactive learning using online tools requires design to initiate activity, keep it going, involve all learners and engage in deep thinking. FtoF strategies might be a good starting point for ideas. Also draw on your experiences as an online student. What strategies and what tools come together to help people learn cooperatively? Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 2
Using Strategies online Analysis strategies PMI, SWOT 6 thinking hats Silent card shuffle Extent barometer Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? On a voice or text chat, forum/blog etc ? Would it be helpful to use these strategies f to f and then your class goes online? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Interactive learning using online tools requires design to initiate activity, keep it going, involve all learners and engage in deep thinking. FtoF strategies might be a good starting point for ideas. Also draw on your experiences as an online student. What strategies and what tools come together to help people learn cooperatively? Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 3
Literacy Strategies online Literacy strategies Literature Circles Book talks Role play - Fakebook What else do you know? Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? On a voice or text chat, forum/blog etc ? Would it be helpful to use these strategies f to f and then your class goes online? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background These are curriculum ideas that have been tried by others online Its about giving students a voice and adding in more voices than in f to f. Time on task leads to deeper understanding or creativity and so teachers need to scaffold student interaction with ideas. What strategies and what tools come together to make these ideas work using online tools and activities? Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 4
Learning concepts online Concept strategies Focussed imaging Simulations Learning objects You tube, teacher-tube etc? Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? On a voice or text chat, forum/blog etc ? Would it be helpful to use these strategies f to f and then your class goes online? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Checking if students have understood a concept is challenging. Using online resources to help students understand a concept is common and valuable but what would you mentor./facilitate around the use of the resource. Time on task leads to deeper understanding and so teachers need to scaffold student interaction with ideas. Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 5
Online Conference Concept strategies Variety of speakers and tools Presentation followed by interaction Multi-school/multi-class activity? Bringing experts to a classroom? Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? Who? What about? Would might happen in classrooms before the online event? Give examples. Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background The online conference is quite formal but it might be a way of providing audience to children’s work and bringing in experts or parents. Can be as interactive as you want. Variety of tools available. And variety of metaphors can be placed over what happens – conference has keynotes, speakers, workshops, discussion circles and social time. Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 6
Peer learning online Concept strategies Peer partner Learning Structured Controversy Buddies learning Coaches, mentors Others? Critical friends? Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? What tools? Would you have to coach your coaches? Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Helping people learn from each other is a valuable life skill. This is a way of individualising instruction. It is a way of supporting learners with different expert ideas It can be short or long term. Time on task leads to deeper understanding and so teachers need to scaffold student interaction with ideas. How would you support peer learning groups. Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 7
Online Games Concept strategies A competitive simulation? Multiplayer in difference schools Use online games or design game based on ones you know. Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? Could you use this with remote students or students while they are at home? Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Often considered engaging. The issue pedagogically is how you know students are developing their conceptual knowledge – what will you do to develop the concept, help students use the concepts in the game and check they understood the concept – that is what is the necessary teacher scaffolding around games use. Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 8
Digital story telling Concept strategies Collaborative publishing Online audience Interaction with an audience Critical friends Tools and techniques What types of stories/texts? Where might the strategy work? What tools would you suggest Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Every class does some digital story telling but what additional learning occurs when stories are developed and published online? What types of stories can be told – can students develop online texts for others to learn from? What strategies do you need to embed in lessons to support students collaborative development of stories? Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 9
Any idea Concept strategies Choose an idea for an online activity using the lists provided Tools and techniques Where might the strategy work? What would it look like for students What online tools would you use? Curriculum ideas What are learning goals? How does strategy enhance? What are a couple of good curriculum ideas? Background Be very creative and choose something you think no-one else would think about after reading the online module. Your job is to outline the most unusual but quirky idea Choose 1/2 of these or 1 alternative Group 10