The New ELD ( English Language Development) Standards for English Learners A brief overview for classroom teachers
The Old 1999 ELD Standards Designed as a blueprint for CELDT Focused on the preliminary skills EL students need to have before they can access the regular grade-level English language arts standards (the “on-ramp” to ELA standards) Emphasis was on grammar
The “Old” 1999 ELD Standards Four Domains: Listening Speaking Reading Writing Five Proficiency Levels: Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advanced Advanced
The NEW ELD Standards Designed to be used simultaneously with the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) across the curriculum. They do not replicate the CCSS. Help teachers with ideas for providing the support that their EL students will need in order to access the regular grade –level CCSS Emphasis on integrated use of language in academic and social settings
The NEW Proficiency Levels Emerging: Enter and Progress through – Beginning Exit – Early Intermediate Level Expanding: (2 Levels) Progress through – Intermediate (Year 1) Exit – Intermediate (possibly Year 2) Bridging: Progress through – Early Advanced Exit - Advanced
Teaching Responsibilities: Describe student knowledge, skills, and abilities across a continuum, identifying what EL’s know and can do Provide the three proficiency levels: Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging – from Early to Exit stages Guide targeted instruction in ELD, as well as differentiated instruction in academic content areas
How to Read the New ELD Standards Domains: 1. Modes of Communication- Collaborative (purple) Interpretive (blue) Productive (green) 2. Knowledge of Language- Metalinguistic Awareness (yellow) Accuracy of Production (orange) Foundational Literacy Skills (Red)
Two Different Dimensions of Knowledge of Language Metalinguistic Awareness- The ability to think about language and talk about it. This is something we need to promote in student learning of any content area. Accuracy of Production- English Learners increase in accuracy of linguistic production as they develop proficiency in English.
ELPAC vs. CELDT The current CELDT testing will phase out September 2017 Field Testing for ELPAC will begin spring and fall 2017 ELPAC begins spring of 2018 Key Point: ELPAC will be given at the end of the year as opposed to the beginning.
Developing Academic Language Tier 2 Academic Language Shares Characteristics across disciplines It is the medium through which we transform and develop student thinking about concepts. “Has been referred to as the “Hidden Curriculum” and accounts for why school success can be seen as largely a language matter.” (Christie, G. 1999)