Victorian Assistant Workforce Model (allied health) Staff engagement forum [Insert project team details] [Insert organisation details and logo]
Victorian Assistant Workforce Model Builds on the work undertaken by the Department of Health since 2005, including AHA Implementation Program which was rolled out across Victoria in three stages. Stage one conducted across 86 regional organisations in 2012–2013. Stage two conducted in 11 major metropolitan health services in Stage three conducted across community and ambulatory services consisting of 25 organisations in 2014–2015.
Background Increase the uptake and utilisation of the allied health assistant (AHA) workforce Identify tasks that could be delegated to AHAs, that are currently being completed by allied health professionals (AHP) Supervision and delegation framework for allied health assistants Insert picture or statement to contextualise project to your hub/organisations.
Key drivers for change Projected workforce growth by industry, Nov 2012 – Nov 2017 Source: Community Services And Health Industry Skills Council, Environmental Scan, 2014
VAWM aims Identify and quantify the roles and tasks that could be undertaken by AHAs Improve workforce utilisation within the allied health team Free up AHPs to take on more complex cases Reduce un-met demand for patient care Waitlist reduction for allied health services Improve workforce supply throughout organisation Increase staff satisfaction of both AHAs and AHPs
Implementing the VAWM
Workforce survey A survey measuring organisational demographics, job satisfaction, current and potential AHA roles and AHP confidence in delegating tasks to AHAs Focus groups Identifying what AHAs currently do Identifying what tasks AHPs do that could be delegated to an AHA Identifying issues/barriers/concerns/ solutions with delegating to AHAs
Implementing the VAWM Quantification survey One week period of data collection quantifying the tasks/time AHPs could delegate to an AHA Analyse and summarise results Identify areas of need
Implementing the VAWM Develop a strategic plan Based on results of data analysis Based on organisational priorities In consultation with stakeholders Project finalisation Setting up structures for implementation of the AHA workforce strategic plan and ongoing integration of the AHA workforce
AHA implementation program results Stage one: health and community services in rural and regional Victoria (2012–2013) 55% of AHPs reported they currently complete tasks that could be delegated to an AHA AHPs reported they spent over 6,000 hours on AHA-attributable tasks, equating to 11% of the AHP workforce or full-time equivalent (FTE) 70.3% of AHA attributable work was reported as clinical suggesting that there is a strong need for support for AHPs in the clinical tasks
AHA implementation program results Stage two: Victorian metropolitan health services (2013–2014) AHPs spent over 8500 hours on AHA attributable tasks, equating to 17% of the AHP workforce or 224 FTE High percentage of tasks that could be delegated to an AHA tasks were clinical tasks
AHA implementation program results Stage three: metropolitan community and ambulatory health services (2014–2015) AHPs spent 6837 hours on AHA attributable tasks, equating to 24% of the AHP workforce or 180 FTE Tasks that could be delegated to an AHA were slightly higher for clinical tasks (54%) compared to non-clinical tasks (46%)
Overall results Increased awareness/knowledge of the AHA workforce Increased engagement/communication within regions Development of Grade 3 AHA leadership roles AHA competency development Professional development programs/resources Strategic planning for: –New and amended AHA roles –Shared AHA roles across organisations –Remote supervision models –Registered training organisation partnerships –Formalisation of supervision and delegation governance
Case studies Physiotherapy AHA – annual screening for hydrotherapy Data analysis identified AHPs spend 19% time on tasks that could be delegated to an AHA Medical screening information from the client’s GP integrated with objective measurements completed by AHP/AHA Client’s presentation, using defined criteria, determines AHA or AHP measurement Outcomes: –less dependency on the AHP to deliver all care –reduced number of falls in the hydrotherapy pool area –increased compliance with annual review requirements
[Insert your organisation] Explain why your organisation has chosen to participate in the VAWM Explain how the VAWM links to your organisational priorities and strategic plan
Thank you Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, contact the project team: [Insert contact details]