Saving Energy Simply Not Your Cup Of Tea? The Eco3 Electronic Kettle James Brewster.


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Presentation transcript:

Saving Energy Simply Not Your Cup Of Tea? The Eco3 Electronic Kettle James Brewster

Introduction According to the department of environment, food and rural affairs the UK alone drinks 229 million cups of tea and coffee everyday. This is equivalent to 22 Olympic sized swimming pools of boiling water. According to the department of environment, food and rural affairs the UK alone drinks 229 million cups of tea and coffee everyday. This is equivalent to 22 Olympic sized swimming pools of boiling water.

Our Actions We are always hearing about our effect on the environment, our carbon footprint and saving energy yet have you ever considered the mount of energy that is being wasted in boiling the kettle.

The Kettle I have been looking at how a kettles design can reduce the amount of energy wasted and contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. My kettle cost me just under 10 pounds. It boils a liter of water in just over 3 minutes and has a 3kw heater. As you can see it is a pretty basic kettle. I have been looking at how a kettles design can reduce the amount of energy wasted and contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. My kettle cost me just under 10 pounds. It boils a liter of water in just over 3 minutes and has a 3kw heater. As you can see it is a pretty basic kettle.

The Eco3 Electronic I then looked at the eco 3 electronic kettle. The kettle was invented by Brian Hartley and developed by product creation limited. Product creation are an English company that specialise in the design and development solutions of energy saving electrical products. Since it's launch in 2005, over 200,000 ECO Kettles have been sold in the UK. I then looked at the eco 3 electronic kettle. The kettle was invented by Brian Hartley and developed by product creation limited. Product creation are an English company that specialise in the design and development solutions of energy saving electrical products. Since it's launch in 2005, over 200,000 ECO Kettles have been sold in the UK.

Energy saving Features Keeping The Heat In An extra layer of insulation, this helps to keep the heat in, so less escapes and less energy is needed to heat it. To heat the water the eco 3 electronic uses a more efficient 2.2kw heater. With a more efficient heater, the kettle is able to heat the water faster and use less energy in the process. An extra layer of insulation, this helps to keep the heat in, so less escapes and less energy is needed to heat it. To heat the water the eco 3 electronic uses a more efficient 2.2kw heater. With a more efficient heater, the kettle is able to heat the water faster and use less energy in the process.

Energy Saving Features Choosing A Temperature The kettle has three temperature settings, these are set at 80°, 90° and boiling. By choosing either 80° or 90° you would still get a hot cup of tea yet it would use a lot less energy. This is because the mount of energy needed to heat water is 418 kj per kg whereas the amount of energy needed to turn water into steam is 2260kj per kg. At boiling point water is turning from a liquid to a gas. The kettle has three temperature settings, these are set at 80°, 90° and boiling. By choosing either 80° or 90° you would still get a hot cup of tea yet it would use a lot less energy. This is because the mount of energy needed to heat water is 418 kj per kg whereas the amount of energy needed to turn water into steam is 2260kj per kg. At boiling point water is turning from a liquid to a gas.

Energy Saving Features Only Use What You Need Finally the kettle has one tank to store water in and another to boil it. On the side of the kettle there are two sets of markings, one showing the water level in ml and the other in number of cups. This is designed to ensure that you only boil the amount of water you need as overfilling can waste a significant amount of energy.

How The Kettle Can Help Other Products I chose to see how the energy saving features could be applied to a toaster. The toaster works by running electricity through nichrome wire, this then gets very hot and it is the heat that cooks the bread. The average toaster has between watt heater. It will be used about 700 times a year and takes between 2 and 3 minutes each time its used. I chose to see how the energy saving features could be applied to a toaster. The toaster works by running electricity through nichrome wire, this then gets very hot and it is the heat that cooks the bread. The average toaster has between watt heater. It will be used about 700 times a year and takes between 2 and 3 minutes each time its used.

Keeping The Heat In Like we saw on the eco3 kettle, having good insulation stops heat from escaping and therefore keeps more in. Most toaster have little if any insulation and the large gaps in the top allow lots of heat to escape. If the toaster could keep more heat in it would be able to do the same job with less energy or do the job quicker.

Only Using What You Need On nearly all toasters there is just one switch to turn it on, however if I only want one slice of toast then the other side is still on and wasting energy. It would be a good idea if each slot was individually controlled.

Companies Concerned By The Environment To try and increase sales revenue many companies are looking into ways in which they can become environmentally friendly. Companies are likely to get more recognition and more customers if they are deemed to be environmentally friendly. The eco3 received a lot of publicity, as it was the first kettle to be given the ‘Recommended’ mark by the Energy Saving Trust. To try and increase sales revenue many companies are looking into ways in which they can become environmentally friendly. Companies are likely to get more recognition and more customers if they are deemed to be environmentally friendly. The eco3 received a lot of publicity, as it was the first kettle to be given the ‘Recommended’ mark by the Energy Saving Trust.

Conclusion If saving energy is that simple then its hard to understand why we cant all be saving energy. By changing your kettle and toaster you can save between % of the energy that would normally be used. Is saving energy really this simple. Well yes it is. The small changes we make in our daily lives can add up to have a big effect on our planet. If saving energy is that simple then its hard to understand why we cant all be saving energy. By changing your kettle and toaster you can save between % of the energy that would normally be used. Is saving energy really this simple. Well yes it is. The small changes we make in our daily lives can add up to have a big effect on our planet.

Thank You For Listening