e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 1 Contract and Project Management Solution for the Northern Ireland
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 2
3 Contract Workspace BuyersSuppliers Reporting Forum Project Mgt. Calendar Performance Mgt. Document Mgt. Version Control Contract Mgt.
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 4 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Upload electronic documents (e.g. Contract, Appendix, Amendments, etc) e-Collaboration functionality Document check in / check out Document Control Version System built in Data Organisation (e.g. folders, subfolders, etc.) Automatic notifications and alerts Access rights configuration on Services / Data / Groups of Data Advanced Search Contract Archiving
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 5 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Forum discussions per contract Multithreaded forums Message exchanges File attachments on Forums notifications “Moderated” Vs. “Free Chat” Forum Archival
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 6 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Meetings / Events and Milestones Milestones definition Electronic Invitations Notifications / Alerts Integration with external Calendar software (e.g. Ms. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) File attachments on Meetings / Events (e.g. Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes, etc.)
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 7 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Contract Issues Contract Monitoring Transactional activity between the Contracting Authority and the Contractor Track issues raised upon a Contract Negotiate Contract Amendments Track and Monitor the Contractor compliance to the Contract
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 8 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Break down projects into minor tasks Assign resources to Contract Tasks Define deadlines and Time Plan Monitor Project Progress and view comments View Resource Time-Track / Timesheets Calculate cost and budget allocation Forecast and manage delays and deliveries Alerts
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 9 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Financial performance reports Budget analysis reports Deliverable reports Payment reports Contract Issues reports Key Performance Indicators reports Staff output reports View aggregated Contract reports across Framework(s) Reports on active and past Contracts
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 10 Document Manager Forum Contract Performance Project Management Issue Management Calendar Reporting Definition and monitoring of Contract Deliverables Monitor Contractor Progress and Compliance to the Contract Terms and Conditions Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Monitoring of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Financial / Budget Information Payment and Invoices Alerts
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 11 CPMS architecture for creation, administration and management of roles and privileges
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 12 CPMS role design architecture Easily adaptable to specific organisation procedures / workflow Role management functionality allows fine grain configuration of user rights (e.g. system level, contract level, etc.) Two role levels design architecture: ▪ Platform roles: Role rights applied at system level Role rights cannot be modified by users No new roles can be added to this category by users ▪ Contract workspace roles: Role rights applied at contract level Standard templates created by default cannot be modified New template roles can be created on the system Template role engine support management of role rights
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 13 CPMS default user roles
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 14 Platformuser roles Platform user roles System roles Contract Workspace roles
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 15 System user roles Administrator ▪ Access to administration functionality only ▪ Create template roles ▪ Assign user to role CM Manager ▪ Full access to all functionality (SuperUser) ▪ System administration (e.g. Create CW, Organisation management, etc.) ▪ Contract workspace management (e.g. amend contract details, manage KPIs, etc.) Buyer ▪ Access to contract documents and issues 15
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 16 Contract Workspace user roles Contract Manager ▪ Document and Notification management ▪ Contract Performance management ▪ Collaboration tools (e.g. Calendar, Forum. etc.) ▪ Project and Financial Management Auditor (Viewer) ▪ View access to: Document manager and Contract Performance tools (e.g. KPI, etc.) Collaboration tools (e.g. Calendar, Forum. etc.) Project and Financial information Contributor (Writer) ▪ Write access to: Document manager Contract Performance tools (e.g. KPI, etc.) Collaboration tools (e.g. Calendar, Forum. etc.) Project and Financial information 16
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 17 Customisation of contract workspace roles by the Administrator
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 18 Template role management 18 Template role engine supports the creation of customised template roles Template role define the set of rights for the existing functionality Supported functionality access rights: ▪ No access: No access to the particular functionality. ▪ View: Associated users are allowed to visualise the contents but no amendments can be made. ▪ Write: Associated users can view and amend the contents. ▪ Delete: This option gives associated users the Write rights above plus item deletion right. ▪ Assign: Associated users are allowed to specify different user rights for a particular item. Template roles created by default are non-modifiable Newly created template roles are associated to Contract Workspaces
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 19 Contract Management Role 19 Contract Management Role is the Template Role associated with a particular Contract Workspace Particular users or user groups can be associated to Contract Management Roles Amendments on a Contract Management Role will modify the users associated with the Contract Amendments on a Template Role will modify the rights of future associated users When a new Contract Workspace is created, all Template Roles are associated automatically
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 20 Main supported scenarios
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 21 Scenario 1 : Contract Workspace configuration and creation
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 22 Contract Workspace configuration & creation (1/2) Administration tasks ▪ User account and role management Contract Management ▪ Creation of contract workspace ▪ Configuration of contract parameters (Marketing Premia, associated users, name, etc.) Document Management (contracts, project deliverables, etc.) ▪ Support for Upload and Download of Files ▪ Document Versioning to facilitate the tracking of document changes ▪ Automated notifications to associated users when changes are performed ▪ Metadata and keywords associations to facilitate document/folder retrieval
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 23 Contract Workspace configuration & creation (2/2) Project Financial Information functionality ▪ Manage Project budget and status ▪ Manage Person/Day costs ▪ Link Deliverables and associate costs ▪ Manage Credit Notes and Savings ▪ Include additional costs ▪ Define estimated contract value
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 24 Scenario 2 : Project Management, Calendar and Forum
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 25 Contract and Project monitoring – (1/2) Project Management ▪ Insertion of particular project tasks and associated deadlines ▪ Creation of milestones (project task, deliverables, payment milestone) ▪ Personal time-tracking of all tasks through calendar functionality ▪ Monitoring of the Contract status and follow-up of all project tasks ▪ Automated Notifications when deadline for particular tasks has expired Calendar ▪ Calendar including reminders and navigation functionality (meetings, events) Forum ▪ Support for online standalone forums, or forum associated with selected events (deliverables, meetings, etc.)
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 26 Scenario 3 : Issues, KPIs and Reporting
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 27 Contract and Project monitoring – (2/2) Issues Tracking ▪ Creation and monitoring of project related issues ▪ Online Issues tracking by suppliers and buyers (assigned, resolved, closed, etc.) ▪ Automatic notifications on insertion of new issues, support for Upload of Attachments to clarify particular issues Performance Management ▪ Creation and Monitoring of project KPIs, Insertion of scores for each indicator introduced ▪ Automated Notifications when KPI runs under risk or when the service levels defined are not met Reporting ▪ Automated creation and download of Contract Reports ▪ Automated creation and download of Supplier Reports
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 28 Quick starting guide
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 29 Navigational tips (1/3) 29
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 30 Navigational tips (2/3) 30
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 31 Navigational tips (3/3) 31
e-Procurement Solution for the Northern Ireland 32 End of Presentation 32