Cyclone Aila, Bangladesh Georgina Wilson
Facts about Bangladesh Population: 160 million Average life expectancy: 66 years compared to UK: 78 years Average per capita income: US$1,450 compared to UK: US$36,240 Gross national income (GNI): US$232.6 billion Average annual growth rate: 6.1% Percentage of people not meeting daily food needs: 40% live below international poverty line Women dying in childbirth: 320 per 100,000 Children dying before age 5: 65 per 1,000 compared to 6 per 1000 in UK Percentage of children receiving primary school education: 90% enrol in primary school; 55% complete grade 5 Percentage of people aged living with HIV/AIDS: 0.1% compared to UK: 0.2% Percentage of people with access to safe, clean water: 80%
Item 1 Location Warning level 3 Advised to keep boats and trawlers in shelter Outline of damage caused Immediate relief More detailed qualitative and quantitative data of 4 worst affected areas Maps showing reported deaths
Item 1 continued... WHO report stating Medical teams distributed - Disaster control rooms available 24/7 - Capable of coping logistically with secondary effects - Beginning of a need assessment - MFDM report showing supplies available
Item 2 Uks DFID: Outlines Bangladeshs current and future issues such as flooding, poverty, and climate change Main challanges Plans to aid: - Providing women with assets to earn - Raising land homes are built on especially on chars, investment of £50 million - Climate change strategy, investment of £75 million
Item 2 continued.. Case study: Schools situated in many shelters Number of radios in homes increasing 5000 residents use each shelter 2100 shelters along the coast Lower death tolls since the 70s
-we- work/Asia-south/Bangladesh Top priorities Encouraging private sector investment Ensuring the government is capable of financing and delivering social services Getting more children into better schools Improving family planning and reducing maternal deaths We will spend an average of £250 million per year in Bangladesh until 2015
Case study: Scuba rice In developing countries alone, more than 3.3 billion people depend on rice for more than 20% of their calories. Rice is productive in wet environments where most other crops would fail but cannot survive if submerged under water for long periods of time. Scuba rice, is flood resistant. It can breathe underwater for up to two weeks and recovers once the waters subside. Developed by the IRRI, which receives core funding from the DFID It responds to complete submersion by effectively becoming dormant, saving energy until the floodwater recedes when it can continue growing again.
Item 3 Changing responses to cyclones: Improvements in warning systems Evacuation e.g. 3.2 million evacuated for Sidr Medical teams Construction of 8000km of dikes proposed by world bank project but opposed by farmers Building of homes on raised killas or tall stilts Salt tolerant rice Migration to western world?
Item 4
Mangroves Found in gently sloping shallow coastal environments and collect fine sediment to absorb energy from wave action Protect areas from erosion, storm surges and tsunamis. Under threat of removal due to population pressure on farmland