How to Milk a Cow By Adriana R.
Vocabulary Teat- the place where milk comes out/ attached to udder. Inflation- you put it on the teats and it’s attached to the milking machine Udder- underneath the cow (but attached to her) looks like a pink or black or both
Introduction Moo! Moo! Do you know how to milk a cow? If not I’ll teach you.
Materials Get supplies: milking machine, paper towels/wash cloth and water, pre and after dip, and most importantly a cow
Step 1 Have a cow. Wipe the cow’s teats. If they are dirty apply pre-dip on all four teats.
Step 2 Turn on the milking machine. Bend over. Put one inflation on at a time until you have all four on.
Step 3 Watch the cow while milking until she’s done milking so she doesn’t kick the milking machine off.
Step 4 When the cow is done milking you take off the machine. You can gently pull on the machine or you can take off the inflations one by one.
Step 5 Take your after dip and dip the cow’s teats. This keeps bacteria away until your next milking.
Conclusion If you have done all of this you may be surprised…. You’ve milked a cow! Oh yeah don’t forget to drink milk every day! Mooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!