QXF Cable with Annealed Wire D.R. Dietderich QXF Working Group Video Meeting, Feb. 12, 2014
2Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich QXF Cable Parameters Mid-thickness = mm +/ mm Width = mm +/ mm K.S. angle = 0.55 deg. +/ deg. Pitch Length= 109 mm +/- 3 mm To be determined – Annealed or un-annealed wire Need to assume that cables will have to be managed during coil winding – By using either the winding block or CTD binder
3Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich RRP Wire in Cables Same billets in cables 1048Z and 1049Z – RRP and Billets in cable 1050Z – RRP 14396, 14516, and Billets in cable 1051Z – RRP and All billets RRP 108/127 – Standard Sn – Nb-Ta filaments Future billets for project or 132/169 – 5% reduced Sn to retain high RRR – Pure Nb filaments – Doped with Ti via a Nb-47 wt.% Ti rod
4Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Damage Score Method for Cable 1048Z (Un-annealed) How is the damage score determined? The number of sheared sub-elements in the wires at the each edge of the each cable is determined. This sum is then divided by the number of wires at each edge, i.e. T and Q has 3 wires while R has only 2. A “Damage Score” is the average for each edge to the number of cables used, i.e. 6. For the minor edge the score is: ( )/6=1.44 However, if one only count edges with T’s then the damage scores are: – Minor: ( )/3=2.88
5Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Damage Score QXF Cable 1048Z – Wire as received (un-annealed) Billet Ta doped with Reg. Sn
6Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Damage Score QXF Cable 1049Z – Annealed Wire C for 15 hrs. Failed self-bend test Billet Ta doped with Reg. Sn 10/12 strands
7Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Triplet Only Scores for Front and Tail-end of Cable Annealed wire has fewer sheared sub- elements By a factor of ~3 1042Z-12 Thin Edge
8Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Highest Score in Strand This may be the best method if one assumes that the RRR at the edge of a cable is determined by the wire with the highest number of sheared sub-elements
9Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich
10Feb. 12, 2014QXF Cable R&D -- Annealed Wire - D.R. Dietderich Damage Score vs. OXF Cable Width for Pitch Length of 109 mm mm calc. width for 109 mm Need mm width for Cable Winding score of zero 1042Z-13 Target = mm RRP 108/127, ~1.50 mm thick