1. Did you have everything you needed for your binder check? 2. How much time did you spend on getting your binder ready? 3. How well do you think you did on Friday’s quiz? 4. How much time (outside of class) did you study?
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Start Organization Project Monday Aug 17, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.Organization research and interviews – DUE THURSDAY 2.Organizing My Life Booklet – DUE FRIDAY 3.Binder check - Friday I will complete an Organize My Life Project. Objective: How do I stay organized? Essential Question:
Organizing Your Life
Myths About Organization Myth: Myth: Organizing is the same as being neat. Fact: Fact: Organizing is not about how a space looks, but how it functions
Myths About Organization Myth: Myth: Organizing is a talent you’re either born with or not. Fact: Fact: Organizing is a learnable skill.
Myths About Organization Myth: Myth: Organizing is about throwing things away. Fact: Fact: You can keep everything you want and still get organized.
The Cost of Disorganization If you plan on storing items, for a basic 10 foot by 20 foot storage unit you'll pay approximately $60 a month. This doesn't seem like much, but it works out to $720 a year, and if you rent a space at this rate for 3 years, you'll spend a grand total of $2,160. Most people don't think about the total cost of long-term storage, and when they really stop to consider what they've spent after renting a storage unit, they realize they could have purchased new items with the money wasted on storing the old ones.
Part I: The Closet
The #1 Rule of Organization “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
The #2 Rule of Organization “Out of sight, out of mind.” I don’t have to worry anymore about all of that junk in my closet. It is now at the Salvation Army I can’t remember where I put that sweater. I guess I’ll just have to buy a new one. OrganizedDisorganized
The #3 Rule of Organization “Travel light”
The #4 Rule of Organization “If you don’t use it, lose it!”
Quick Sort Pull everything out of your closet. Sort everything from your closet into 4 piles. If you haven’t worn or used it in a year, it goes in the TRASH or DONATE pile. KEEPMOVETRASHDONATE
Remove 2 Piles From Your Room Remove the trash Bag up the items you wish to donate. Get them out of your room. TRASHDONATE
Keep Pile Focus only on the KEEP pile. Set the MOVE pile outside your room for now. KEEP
Sort Sort the only pile left into themes Theme Ideas: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Dress clothes, casual clothes, slacks, dresses, etc. Colors
Hang Hangers Backwards Hang hangers backwards after sorting, then hang clothes up normally to see which clothes you actually wear. Then after 6 months or a year, you can see which clothes you have not worn. Get rid of those clothes.
Dealing with Dirty Clothes Place 2-3 laundry baskets in your closet. Sort as you remove your clothing. Do laundry one basket at a time as they fill up. Whites Colored Delicates
Set Out Clothes the Night Before
Find a Place For Other Items Sort the MOVE pile. Find a specific and logical place for each item. For example, a toaster does not belong in your closet.
Purchase Clear Storage Boxes
Still Not Enough Space?
What if I might need it later? If you really can't throw things out, put the items in a box with a destroy date written onto it— generally about six months from now. If you find yourself needing to go into it to find something, put it with the items to keep. Anything left in the box at the end of the time should be thrown out or donated.
Part II: Organizing Your Desk
Quick Sort Pull everything out of your desk. Sort everything from your desk into 4 piles. If you haven’t needed it or used it in a year, it goes in the TRASH or DONATE pile. KEEPMOVETRASHDONATE
Remove 2 Piles From Your Room Remove the trash Bag up the items you wish to donate. Get them out of your room. TRASHDONATE
FOCUS-FOCUS-FOCUS Focus only on the KEEP pile. Set the MOVE pile outside your room for now. KEEP
Sort Sort the KEEP pile left into 2 more piles Office Supplies Paper
Organize Purchase an organizer to handle the small items specificChoose a specific location for all other items that will be put back into your desk.
Sort non-essentialSort papers by topics. Throw away any non-essential papers that you have not used in 1 or more years. Paper 9 th Grade Essays Biology Receipts MLA Format Phone Numbers Misc.
File Purchase hanging files. Label folders to match your piles. Bonus Tip: Transfer your notes from your AVID binder into file folders after each test. Go through your files 2 times per year. Essays Receipts Biology Phone #s MLA
Filing System Options Essays Receipts Biology Phone #s MLA
Find a Place For Other Items Sort the MOVE pile. Find a specific and logical place for each item. The logical place for these items may not be in your desk. For example, an apple does not belong in your desk.
Deal with Paperwork Once Avoid the temptation to “set it and forget it”. It may work for chicken, but it doesn’t work for paperwork!
Mail Separate junk mail from important mail. Throw away junk mail immediately. Open mail. Make a choice. Is it worth keeping or is it trash? If you keep it, file it. If it is a bill, pay it. or or
Strive for a Clean Desktop Each Day “It’s a miracle the way he keeps his desk so clean!”
Strive for a Clean Desktop Each Day
Paperwork Fact “Less than ½ of the paper that finds its way to your desk is worth your attention”
3 Tiered Files on Desktop Top file – High priority (on to do list) Middle file – Low priority (on to do list) Bottom file – Needs to be filed or may be needed in the near future
A Great Book of the Subject of Organization
Printing pictures If you do not have access to a printer and want to print your pictures… You MUST them to me at by THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 th during 6 th hour or I WILL NOT PRINT THEM!!! - They will be black and white
Tomorrow – Tuesday, August 18th Meet in the media center for class Do NOT come to room 1001
1. What area have you decided to organize for your Organize My Life Booklet? 2. When is the research/interview handout due? 3. When is the booklet due? 4. When is the deadline for ing Mrs. Dyke your pictures to be printed out? 5. When is your next binder check?
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.In computer lab doing research Tuesday Aug 18, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.Organization research and interviews – DUE THURSDAY 2.Organizing My Life Booklet – DUE FRIDAY 3.Binder check - Friday I will research additional ideas to help me complete my Organize My Life Project Objective: How do I stay organized? Essential Question:
Chromebook Check out Procedures & Google Docs Review Training
Chromebooks are Web based programs only. They are good for research. You can’t save on Chromebooks. You save in Google Docs, Dropbox, Flashdrive etc Chromebooks
Care for the Chromebooks: We want to keep the Chromebooks in good working condition. Encourage students to treat them properly and with respect. Students carrying Chromebook in one hand more likely to drop it.
Classroom Chromebook Usage: Encourage students to carry Chromebook with both hands rather than with one hand.
1. From your research on Tuesday, what were the 2 BEST organization tips you learned about? 2. Get out your planner/agenda and make sure you have something in every box Monday - Thursday
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.PowerPoint over Filling out a tutorial form 3.Practice the tutorial process in groups Thursday Aug 21, 2014 Assignments Due: I will understand the steps of the tutorial process. Objective: How do I actively participate in a tutorial? Essential Question: See next slide!!!
1. Organization research and interviews – DUE TODAY 2. Organizing My Life Booklet – DUE MONDAY 3. Monday 8/24 – Meet in Library Computer Lab 4. Tuesday 8/25 – Meet in Library Computer Lab 5. BLANK Poster board is DUE Thursday, August 27 th – 20 points! 6. Binder check – NEXT Friday, August 28 th – notes can be from 8/17-8/28
Turn into the basket on your way out!
Meet in the media center for 6 th hour class
Shield – in the front of your portfolio Final Draft of Essay – hole-punch and put behind the “essay” cover sheet Rough draft and editing form - recycle
Get out your 10 Steps in the Tutorial Process handout On the back, divide the paper into 10 equal squares Number the squares 1-10
The Tutorial Process
What are Tutorials? Tutorials are a time for students to collaborate and help one another with questions they are having in academic classes.
How Often Do Tutorials Occur? Tutorials are typically scheduled on: Thursdays
Taking Notes in Class #1 Students take Cornell Notes from lectures, videos, presentations, textbooks, etc. in their academic classes.
Preparing for Tutorials #2 At home, students complete side 1 of the AVID Tutorial Sheet which includes one higher level question from their academic classes, Cornell notes, homework, class work, quizzes, or tests
Developing Level 2 & 3 Questions #2 Questions for tutorials should be level 2 or 3 questions. Level 2 or 3 questions are not required for math. Hint: If the questions can be answered simply by looking in your book or your notes, it is probably a level 1 question. You may use the following handout for help developing level 2 & 3 questions.
Collecting Tutorial Sheets #3 As students enter the AVID classroom, the AVID teacher or an AVID Tutor collects the AVID Tutorial Sheets. The Tutorial Sheets are the “golden ticket” required to enter class.
Scoring Tutorial Sheets #3 AVID Teacher scores side 1 of the AVID Tutorial Sheets. If the tutorial slip is turned in late, the AVID teacher will deduct 10 points from the total score. Scoring
Forming Tutorial Groups #4 AVID Tutorial Sheets are divided into groups by an AVID Tutor based on the types of questions. BiologyAlgebra IIEnglish
Choosing Student Tutors #4 One student from each tutorial group may be assigned the role of Student Tutor. Student Tutors help facilitate the tutorial process.
Getting Into Tutorial Groups #4 The AVID Teacher or an AVID Tutor calls the names of each student who is in the biology group, for example, and assigns them a location to work. This step is repeated for each group.
Presenting the Questions #5 Students present their questions to the group one at a time by writing them on a white board. Students give a 30 second speech to explain what they know up until their point of confusion. Then group members and the AVID tutor ask questions to help the students with their questions.
How to Present a Question #5 1.Write the problem neatly on the whiteboard. 2.Face the group members. 3.Read the question out loud to the group. 4.Explain any prior knowledge and what you already understand about the question. 5.Explain what strategies you used in attempting to answer the question. 6.Indicate to your group exactly where you became confused as you worked to answer this question.
Questions to Ask During Tutorials #6 1.Can you explain your question in another way? 2.What do you already know about the question? 3.What have you already tried? 4.Where could you find a similar problem in the book? 5.Do you have Cornell notes that may help? 6.Where could you go for more information? 7.What website might help you with your question? 8.What does ___________mean? 9.How would you graphically illustrate your process? 10.What would happen if you changed _____________? 11.What if you tried ______________? 12.How would you teach this to a friend?
Recording Notes #6 Students take out a sheet of notebook paper and take 3-column notes during the tutorial process. Notes
Reflection #8 Students complete the reflection portion of the AVID Tutorial Sheet once all questions from the group have been answered. Completed AVID Tutorial Sheets are turned into the AVID Teacher for grading. Reflection
Scoring Tutorial Sheets #9 AVID Teachers finish scoring the AVID Tutorial Sheets.
Verify Your Learning #10 Better understanding = higher test scores = better grades = higher self-esteem = better future!!!!
Finished Early? Do your homework. Remember that you have a group of students available to help if you need it! Write summaries for your Cornell notes Write questions on the left side of your notes Study your notes or quiz one another Organize your AVID binders Read a book silently Ask AVID tutors about their college experience
Role of AVID Tutors During Tutorials Encourage students to ask questions of one another Keep the discussion going Make sure all students participate Guide students to the answer without simply supplying the answer Model higher order thinking questions (level 2 & 3 questions) Meet with the AVID teacher at the end of the period to discuss any concerns
Get into groups that have the same brain teaser Fill out a TRF form as a group Elect one person to be the speaker Fishbowl a tutorial session – one person from each group is going to make a tutorial group in the middle, while the rest of the class observes. You will ALL need a pen or pencil, and a blank piece of paper for 3-column notes
Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Guest Speaker in media center Friday Aug 21, 2015 Assignments Due: I will be an active listener and participant for our guest speaker. Objective: Essential Question: 1.Poster board is DUE Tuesday, August 27 th – 20 points! 2.Monday – Meet in Library Computer Lab 3.Tuesday – Meet in Library Computer Lab